Aloha Girlys and Guys!
How is everyone? :)
I'm sorry I haven't been too active on here lately. :(
Well a little update, my Poppop is out of the hospital. :D He is feeling a lot better and I was so happy to see him home again!
On Friday I didn't go to school. I was really nauseous and ended up vomiting. :( But I'm a lot better now and went back to stupid school. :P
I hit 2 homeruns today while playing softball! I was jumping up and down cause I was so excited. :P
I thought I do a question and answer thingie. :P A lot of people are doing it and it got me in the mood. :P So, ask me up to 3 or 4 questions and I'll answer them in my next blog. :D Nothing too personal though please. :)
Woot, short blog today! :P
Me and Chris have been together for 7 months, 3 weeks, and 3 days. Next Tuesday is our 8 month anniversary! I'm so happy! I love him with all my heart and I always will for all eternity. He is always making me laugh so much and smile. He knows exactly what to do to make me happy and is always at my side no matter what. I can't ever thank him enough for everything he is doing for me. I love you so much baby! *kisses your lips* :oops:
Hehe Chris found this pic for me!