I saw the show Mideval Times! It was awesome! I went with some kids from school. It was kinda like a little class trip for the good kids that behave and don't get detetions. A lot of kids got invited but only 29 went. And 3 teachers. We had awesome seats! We were on the blue team. Our knight was so HOT :lol:!!! Me and other girls were all screaming for him like crazy. He bowed to show us that he enjoyed our support. He fought another guy and won a battle. He lost the jousting competition :(. But he won the sword battle.:D
Then he had like 5 flowers in his hand. He kissed each of them and through the flowers at our team. He through one my way and I almost caught it but some kid jumped and caught it in FRONT OF ME! I was so mad. Then I'm like "Hey the flower is supposed to be for a girl! Not a boy!" The kid said" Oh well. I caught!" I was sooooo mad! But other then that I had a great time.
Oh yeah my cold went away. WOHOO!!!!!
How is everyone?