Go me! I've been on GameSpot for an entire year already! :shock: It doesn't even feel that long! That may be because I didn't start posting until around October, my first blog was on October 7th!
Let's see.... I was given quite a few good ideas for this blog. Let's see how many I can use. :P
Well, if I've actually been here for a year, I've obviously met quite a few people! I actually have 90 friends exactly. Wow! Thank you to everyone who has tracked me! You're all so nice! .... And Slyfur! :P
The first person I started tracking, and my first friend, was Slyfur. She was really nice to me, even though I was a noob. :P She showed me how to do the simplest things, such as putting up an icon and signature, as well as join unions and post blogs. She was a good friend, and still is. She may be an evil Princess Assassin that likes insulting and hurting people, but she's a good person. Sort of.
When I first joined some unions, I believe I started posting in Organization KH. The first person I met there (other than Fur) was NintendoNaut, and he was the first person to actually track me. He's really nice, and a great friend. Even though he made the horrid mistake of giving Fur that Potato Cannon, and now she reeks havoc upon all who oppose her. :lol:
Eventually, I met and got to know the rest of the union. RazerBlade, The-silent-hero, and Koolkat are among them, and they're all good friends. Razer is pretty.... odd? I wouldn't know how to say it, but he's nice anyway. :P Silent is cool, but he's random. And I'm not talking about the fun random like Mr_Jenkins, I'm talking about the insane, out-of-the-box spam random. And he has this thing for Fur.... whether he has a death wish or something, the world may never know. :lol: And Kat is just.... really nice. I don't talk to her much, but she's a pretty cool person I'm glad to know.
And more recently, CinnanmonEZ10 and XDwarrior. I could name others, but then I'd have to think of something to say about them. :P Anyway, Cinnamon is quite friendly, and XD is a really nice guy. That's...it. :P
Then there was the Catz Clan. That's Slyfur's union. I met quite a few people there! Courtney, Aidan, Dragon, Desulated, and Twilightlullaby. If I even named them all. :lol: The union has a lot of nice people, and they're all really cool. Though it would take far too long to talk about them all, I still like them. :P
Some time later, I was invited to join this union called The Forum Games Union (recently, the "The" was dropped out of the union name :P). I think it was Slyfur who invited me. Anyway, I wasn't very active at first. But there I met Mr_Jenkins (Marrium1 at the time) and Koopa_shell. Who are both great friends, and awesome designers. Jenkins even made my awesome signature! It's awesome right? :P And Koopa made this cool banner for the Forum Games Union! Which I'm not actually going to show you! :lol:
Later on, I meet a few other people there. Recently, DrAwesomeMD. He's as his username suggests (the awesome part, not the doctor part :P), even though I haven't known him that long. And I was even recently promoted in the Forum Games Union! I've been trying to pick up my union activity for a few weeks now, and I got the job! :D
And how can I forget The Union That Never Was? Next to the Forum Games Union, it has to be my favorite! There I met Anonymous_Shade, SuperfastSonic, Cmd, and recently Spiderboy. They're all awesome people! :lol: As well as talk with old friends, LittleGreenDog and Slyfur (actually, Slyfur is probably in all of the unions I've mentioned.... :P).
LittleGreenDog is really nice! She's kind of like Slyfur's twin, just without being nearly as violent, thankfully. :lol: And they argue over stupid things sometimes, but I think that's their thing. :lol: One of those being whether or not Marluxia is gay ,although they haven't even mentioned it in the longest time. :P
And recently, Anonymous has started a Role Play topic. It's quite interesting! He, Slyfur, Cmd, Spiderboy, and I have been posting in it a lot. Though pretty much everyone is better than I am. :lol:
And um.... I honestly can't think of anything more to say. :lol: I think this blog is already pretty long. I was going to look at my past blogs and try to get something more from them, but I guess I never got around to it. :lol: Oh well! Enjoy the last of your summer, everyone! And if you're already back in school, good luck. :P
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