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RikusGirl6 Blog

Oh, Internet....

Well! It sure has been a while, hasn't it? I'm so sorry for not commenting on blogs or replying on forums - not that anyone should have missed me that much. :P My Internet crashed around Christmas time, and it was working off-and-on until about New Year's Day, to the point where it just stopped completely.

About two months without the Internet wasn't too bad, I suppose... it gave me a ton of time to get gaming. And Leo as well! Oh, he's been doing so well in gaming recently! He's beaten all the recent Kingdom Hearts games, has played and beaten every Legend of Zelda game I own, and has also beaten Kirby's Epic Yarn and Epic Mickey.

As for me.... I got a PS3! :D:D I do not, however, have PSN. My parents won't allow me to set up an Internet connection because of all the recent problems. I don't mind, actually. I would do the same thing considering our Internet... well, considering our Internet sucks. :P

Assuming my Internet doesn't crash again, I will talk more about gaming in a future blog. :lol: For now, before I continue this blog, I have to give shout outs. :P I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas, New Year's, and Valentine's Day! Happy birthday to Koopa_shell, LittleGreenDog, Aidan129, Berto64, and Out-Of-Ammo! And anyone else's birthday that I missed! Those.... are the only ones Slyfur could think of, as I don't know when everyone's birthday is. Sorry. :P

During the two months I was gone, my family and I visited Virginia. I also talked to my aunt about flying back to Florida this summer and spend a week or two with her, mainly so that I could finally see the Animal Kingdom. :lol: We haven't set an exact date, but we're narrowing it down.... slowly.... :P

This isn't exactly what I wanted for my returning blog. But I keep getting distracted and, if I want to post on the forums, I should end this now. :P I hope everyone is doing well!

A Little More Than Useless

Hi, everyone! How have you guys been? :D It's been quite a while since I last blogged, hasn't it? My, with school ending soon, I have been so busy! I can't seem to remember exactly what day I get out, but it is.... soon.... :P

I'm not sure how many people would recognize the blog title. It's a song by Relient K, one of my favorite bands. One of. :P My favorite would have to be either Skillet, or Red. You can blame Slyfur for them both, she always makes me watch these Kingdom Hearts videos with the songs. :lol: But yeah, I titled this blog after the song because I've been listening to it a lot lately. Don't worry, it has no relevance to my actual blog. :P

Happy birthday, Slyfur!! :D I meant to wish her a happy birthday over MSN this morning, but I forgot she has school. You normal-school people are so weird! :P I suppose I should explain, though. Slyfur was quite confused when I mentioned this as well, with her reaction being something like "Are you serious?!" :lol: I'm home-schooled. Judging by Fur's reaction, I never mentioned it before. Sorry. :P

But that wasn't the point. :P I'm writing this quick blog to wish Slyfur a happy birthday! I cannot draw or anything, so I don't exactly have anything for you. But you can have this! I, um, "borrowed" it from Google! :P

Sorry, Google didn't have assassin cakes. :P

I don't believe I have time to say anything further. Sorry! I'll try to write a real blog soon.... Or perhaps finally get around to continuing my Kingdom Hearts fanfic eventually?


Internet Problems...

I'm so sorry for not being online! My Internet has been quite terrible lately, and I haven't been online at all. I'm sure no one missed me, as I'm barely here as is. :P

First, I would like to thank everyone that wished me a happy birthday/Halloween on my last blog! :)

SuperfastSonic drew me a Riku Kirby for my birthday! :D

b-day present

Isn't it cute? :D Thank you, Sonic!!

Fur also drew me a Birthday Cat!


It's completely adorable, I love it! I didn't think Fur had the heart to draw something so cute. :P Thank you, Slyfur!!

How was everyone's Halloween? I had quite a nice time! Leo and I got a total of two buckets full of candy, but we gave half of it away to one of his friends. The little boy's parents ate all his candy. :P

For my birthday, I mostly got gift cards and money. However, my grandparents got me Super Scribblenauts. I also picked up Kirby's Epic Yarn the day of release, which is extremely fun.

Happy belated Thanksgiving!! I ate too much. :P Even if I only had one plate, and the only seconds I had were of turkey and stuffing. :lol: We're still eating all the leftovers here. It's crazy.

What did you guys do for Thanksgiving? Over the break, I visited some aunts, uncles, and cousin in Orlando. We actually came home yesterday, and our Internet was fixed the day we were leaving, but I did not think to bring my laptop. And I was far too tired by the time we got back, which was quite late. :P

But we even went to Disneyworld! It was so fun! We didn't get to spend too much time there, however, as we only spent one day in the Magic Kingdom. I wanted to go to the Animal Kingdom park, but nooo. :P My aunt promised that, over summer vacation, she would pay to fly me to Orlando again so she could take me her step-son Alex together. :D I'm very much looking forward to it, but I don't think flying alone sounds like a very good idea. I'm a wimp. :lol:

Oh, and Slyfur pointed out that my last blog was my 50th! Apparently it's some sort of a big deal. :P And it only took me a year to achieve 50 blogs! :lol:

Well.... I believe that's all! This blog is longer than I expected, so I'll end it here. :P I hope every has had a great time over Thanksgiving break!


Happy Halloween! Almost!

Hello everyone! I'm just posting a quick little blog to wish everyone a happy Halloween tomorrow! Also because... well, who knows the next time I'll be able to post a blog. :P

As well as Halloween, my birthday is tomorrow! I've already gotten quite a few cards, most of which simply contained money. Which I will be saving for video games. :P I believe I mentioned this already, but I got Bluestar's Prophecy from my uncle. I haven't started it yet, sadly, I have been quite busy! I also received a few gift cards. One for Best Buy, Target, and GameStop.

And, just as last year, we will be visiting my grandparents tomorrow. They always give my brother and I wonderful gifts! And, honestly, the neighborhood is better for trick-or-treating. :P

I take Leo out every year, while my parents stay and talk to my grandparents. It's usually boring there anyway. :P This year, Leon is dressing up as a ghost pirate! Him and I worked on his costume yesterday. He tried it on this morning, as we finished it just in time, and he looks amazing! :D I'm going as a hobo. :lol: I have a cane, some old clothes, and a ripped jacket. That works, right?

I also have a new avatar! Slyfur re-sized a picture of Roxas in Halloween Town for me, and it looks so cool! :D Thank you, Fur! I think I'll keep it even after Halloween is over. :lol:

Well.... I believe that's it. I'm very sorry if I do not comment on your blogs! I read most of them, but I don't usually comment.

Happy Halloween, everyone!!

heartshalloween.jpg Kingdom Hearts Halloween image by ringsofpromise


Crazy Dream Tag ~ RG Edition

Ooh, look, I've been tagged. Thank you, FojMohsin. Sorry if I spelled that wrong, by the way. :lol:

This tag is a bit different. You have to share one of your craziest dreams. As soon as Foj tagged me, I knew exactly what to write about. It might not be that crazy, but it's the first one that came to mind. But before I get started, I have a few things to say.

My adventures in Birth By Sleep is nearing an end. That sounded weird.... :P But I'm playing in Aqua's Story, and I've just got to Deep Space. I know, my progress has been so slow! But I've had to do some level grinding. I'm level 25 now. I believe I'll post my impressions after I beat the game. Maybe like a mini-review, like Slyfur did with her first impressions.

Does anyone remember that blog I wrote when I started reading the Warriors book series? Well, I'm now completely caught up in the series! I'm awaiting the newest Omen of the Stars book to be released, and I just got Bluestar's Prophecy today. My uncle gave it to me as an early birthday present, as he will not be here for my actual birthday. I've read all the main series, special editions, and Firestar's Quest. The ending to Sunrise almost made me cry. :cry: I loved Hollyleaf, even though quite a few people hated her.

I also took one of Slyfur's quizzes again. She posted three or four of them, and I took them all, but I'm only going to share the one. :P This was the... first link she posted, I believe.

Your Boyfriend - SORA!
Best friend - SELPHIE!

Sora: Absolutely loves you and would do anything for you.
"She's so wonderful I would go to the End of the Worlds for her."
Riku: Sees you as a little sister and is protective of you (in a big brotherly way).
"She's a bit annoying at times, probably why she and Sora make such a good couple." (Sora: "HEY!")
Kairi: Really doesn't like you for taking Sora but she refuses to admit it.
"She's ok."
Selphie: Is your best friend. She thinks you and Sora are the perfect couple. (She's planning your wedding already)
"She's great and her and Sora are so cute! Do you think blue and orange work together?"
Wakka: Thinks you're a good volleyball player.
"Maybe she can teach Sora how to actually HIT the ball." (Sora: "HEY!")
Tidus: Has a crush on you but wont do anything because of Sora and Riku.
"She's hot...(sees Riku and Sora's glares) I mean she's nice. heh..."
Leon: Thinks you and Sora are good together.
"Sora found himself a good one."
Cid: Thinks you're a bit of a pest.
"She's always talking about Sora... that girl never shuts up!"
Yuffie: Thinks you need to train more.
"She should come train with Leon and I... especially if she's Sora's girlfriend."
Aerith: Thinks you're sweet and likes your spunky attitude.
"I'm so happy for her and Sora."
Cloud: Doesn't really know you.
"I fought her once, she didn't seem that strong."
Maleficent: Hates you.
"She's always interfering with my plans."
Ansem: Is planning on using you to get to Sora.
"Hate her." (No surprises there)
Sephiroth: Has no idea who you are.

Hope you liked it! Please rate! Thanks!

The second-to-last question asked what you would do if you saw Maleficent. I picked "Throw a rock at her." :lol: Just felt like sharing that. :P I really didn't expect to get Sora, but given the answers I gave, I suppose it's correct. :P

Anyway. Let's get to that dream tag, shall we?


1) Tell about the craziest dream you had (in blog, not comments)
2) Title your blog: Craziest Dream Tag - (your username) version-
3) Mention who tagged you
4) Tag two people

This was quite a recent dream. Try to keep in mind that, for some reason, everyone is an animal. :P Anyway....

I was at Destiny Islands, and I was.... attacking a tree with a wooden sword in my mouth. :lol: I'm some sort of dog with cat ears or something, by the way. :lol: But anyway. Somehow, my sword falls into the ocean. So I jump in and swim after it, but Sora and Riku dive into the ocean a little further ahead (like the ending of KH2), and Riku grabs my sword as he and Sora swim to shore and shake their fur. It was funny, because of Sora's hair mostly. :P

So I swim all the way back to shore, and yell at Riku for taking my sword. He just shrugs and walks off. With my sword! So, in order to get my beloved sword back, I yelled.... something. I can't remember. But Slyfur (red wolf) and LittleGreenDog (uh, green dog :P) come out of no where, and Slyfur chases Riku down. She tackles him and gets my sword back, but she hurt Riku! :cry: Typical Slyfur. So LittleGrenDog and I walk over to him. I guess LGD is like the medicine cats from Warriors, because she healed him. Then she, Slyfur, Riku and Sora walked away. And left me without my sword. Again. I just wanted it back! Was that so wrong?!

So then Roxas, as a cute little puppy, finds my sword and gives it back. I jump up, extremely happy, and run off, going back to attacking that poor tree with my sword. I have no clue why. I mean, what did that tree ever do to me? But then.... the tree yells at me. And then Roxas takes my sword and attacks the tree, which makes it stop yelling. For some reason. And um, that's it.

So basically, the moral of the story is, never drop your wooden sword when attacking trees, kids. :P I'm not even sure the dream makes any sense. :lol:

Oh well. This is longer than I originally intended. Sorry!


Blog Title Block

Um.... I couldn't think of a title. At all. I'm sorry. :lol: Oh well.

My activity has been kind of.... slow, lately. You can blame Denver, Colorado for my absence (for the most part). That.... and the crappy internet at the hotel. :P It would work fine for a little while, and then just freeze up, and I would have to restart my laptop.

We did have fun though. We didn't get to see much, but it's quite a nice state. And when I was younger, I used to have a friend in Denver! I believe her name was Alexa, she had been my penpal for school. Speaking of which, another reason for my inactivity is school. I've been so busy lately! I've had extra homework, and all new classes.... Only two of which I have any friends in! :cry:

Oh well.... It has been quite a while since I've written a blog. Nothing to post about, I suppose. Hm.... Oh! Slyfur had a quiz in her blog for girls only. :P It was too long to leave in my comment, so I figured I'd post it too my blog.

Your personality:

Type: Extrovert
Good Qualities: Friendly, has emotions under control, optimistic
Bad Qualities: Doesn't think about deep subjects like depression, thinks everyone can just be happy and their depression is a choice

OXIII's opinions:

I. Xemnas: "She's very hopeful and kind. She brings a light into our gloomy days."
II. Xigbar: "She's not extraordinary, but very easy to talk to."
III. Xaldin: "I guess she's okay. Nothing special."
IV. Vexen: "She's very helpful in the laboratory and a sweetheart. Though I don't share her bright, optimistic views."
V. Lexeaus: "She talks to me a lot, but then again she talks to everyone."
VI. Zexion: "She hangs out with me in the library often. She's very smart, and we sometimes just sit there having long discussions. I suppose I could say I like her a lot... Xigbar teases me about having a crush on her, but as far as I know, Nobodies can't have those kinds of feelings."
VII. Saix: "She used to annoy me, but she doesn't bother me quite as much anymore."
VIII. Axel: "I love talking to her. Honestly, besides Roxas, she's the only one in the Organization that I trust."
IX. Demyx: "She is such a blast! Right now I'm trying to teach her how to play the sitar. She can't play very well at all, but we have fun trying!"
X. Luxord: "A very cute, bouncy addition to our ranks. Before she came, I'd lost hope, but now she has me believing we can, in fact, get our hearts back."
XI. Marluxia: "A sweet girl. Sometimes she helps me water my flower garden."
XII. Larxene: "I really don't want to say this, but the little brat's starting to rub off on me..."
XIII. Roxas: "Me, her, and Axel just kind of chill together all the time. She's really nice and fun to be around."

I'd say it is quite accurate. I'd definitely like to hang out with Roxas.... :P Zexion, Axel, and Demyx's are also my favorites. I'm smart, trustworthy, and learning to play the sitar. :lol:

Well, I really don't know what to blog about. I just started writing this for the heck of it. I haven't written anything in a while. Speaking of writing, I have the next two chapter of my Kingdom Hearts fanfic saved in Microsoft Word! I suppose I'll have to post them soon. Or I can just write "They all were mauled by Heartless" and end it there. :lol:

Well.... I suppose I'm sorry for the useless blog. :P If you've read this far, you have my thanks.


You Can't See Me!

Ha. :P Sorry, I couldn't resist the blog title. It's from John Cena, he's a WWE wrestler. Leo watches "Raw" and "Smackdown" so I usually stay up with him and watch as well. For the record, I like John Cena, John Morrison, and Matt Hardy. :P

Before I get to the point of this blog, I'd like to thank everyone that commented on my last blog!! :D I got 22 comments! :shock: Thank you, everyone, it has been a great year! :)

After school today, my parents took us to visit our cousin. She lives in Rochester Hills (I'm not sure if I spelled that right :P). So I went on her computer while we were there, and she was showing me her pictures. She had one of me when I was.... oh, about 10 or 11?

Now, I have a camera. But I don't have the correct wires or anythingto upload pictures. So I thought I could upload that old one my cousin had on her computer. I sent it to myself in a PM earlier so I could have access to it on my laptop later.

I lost the nerve to post a recent picture of myself. :P So, if you've ever wondered what I look like, here's a pretty close example....

[spoiler] [/spoiler]

I'm not sure why my hair looks brown.... it is indeed black. :P Perhaps it's the quality, or effects, or something like that? I also hadn't cut it short until later that year. And, apparently (that's according to the pictures on my cousin's computer), I didn't start looking like Xion until I was 13. :lol:

Anyway.... Does anyone remember my Kingdom Hearts story? That one I used to write a while ago? :lol: I'm still continuing that, I just have not felt up to writing. See, I'll only post something when i have the urge to write it. Otherwise, I'm at a lose for ideas.

I got Birth By Sleep the day it released. It is such a fun game! :D I just fought Braig in Radiant Gardens. I'm playing as Terra. I had planned on playing them in order anyway, so it did not matter who I liked (which would be Ven....), but I hadn't really been "looking forward" to playing as Terra. But now that I have progressed in his story, I think he is beyond interesting!In the beginning of the game, during his and Aqua's Mark Of Mastery challenge, I instantly thought of Riku. :P

Once I get further into the game I'll talk more about it. I've been leveling up at the advice of Princess Assassin Slyfur, in Castle of Dreams. I believe I waslevel 24 or so when I faced the Trinity Armor, but I'm not sure if I leveled up after Braig or not. I was quite excited to find out how Xigbar got his scars. :lol:

Let's see.... I absolutely love the Command Board. It's so much fun! I lost to Ven the first two times I played the Keyblade Board, but I got the hang of it and have been winning now! :lol:

One last note before I log off. I changed my icon! It's of Ven, when he's looking out his window (at thevery beginning of the game) at the Meteor Shower. Isn't he cute? :D :P Bye!


One Year Anniversary

Go me! I've been on GameSpot for an entire year already! :shock: It doesn't even feel that long! That may be because I didn't start posting until around October, my first blog was on October 7th!

Let's see.... I was given quite a few good ideas for this blog. Let's see how many I can use. :P

Well, if I've actually been here for a year, I've obviously met quite a few people! I actually have 90 friends exactly. Wow! Thank you to everyone who has tracked me! You're all so nice! .... And Slyfur! :P

The first person I started tracking, and my first friend, was Slyfur. She was really nice to me, even though I was a noob. :P She showed me how to do the simplest things, such as putting up an icon and signature, as well as join unions and post blogs. She was a good friend, and still is. She may be an evil Princess Assassin that likes insulting and hurting people, but she's a good person. Sort of.

When I first joined some unions, I believe I started posting in Organization KH. The first person I met there (other than Fur) was NintendoNaut, and he was the first person to actually track me. He's really nice, and a great friend. Even though he made the horrid mistake of giving Fur that Potato Cannon, and now she reeks havoc upon all who oppose her. :lol:

Eventually, I met and got to know the rest of the union. RazerBlade, The-silent-hero, and Koolkat are among them, and they're all good friends. Razer is pretty.... odd? I wouldn't know how to say it, but he's nice anyway. :P Silent is cool, but he's random. And I'm not talking about the fun random like Mr_Jenkins, I'm talking about the insane, out-of-the-box spam random. And he has this thing for Fur.... whether he has a death wish or something, the world may never know. :lol: And Kat is just.... really nice. I don't talk to her much, but she's a pretty cool person I'm glad to know.

And more recently, CinnanmonEZ10 and XDwarrior. I could name others, but then I'd have to think of something to say about them. :P Anyway, Cinnamon is quite friendly, and XD is a really nice guy. That' :P

Then there was the Catz Clan. That's Slyfur's union. I met quite a few people there! Courtney, Aidan, Dragon, Desulated, and Twilightlullaby. If I even named them all. :lol: The union has a lot of nice people, and they're all really cool. Though it would take far too long to talk about them all, I still like them. :P

Some time later, I was invited to join this union called The Forum Games Union (recently, the "The" was dropped out of the union name :P). I think it was Slyfur who invited me. Anyway, I wasn't very active at first. But there I met Mr_Jenkins (Marrium1 at the time) and Koopa_shell. Who are both great friends, and awesome designers. Jenkins even made my awesome signature! It's awesome right? :P And Koopa made this cool banner for the Forum Games Union! Which I'm not actually going to show you! :lol:

Later on, I meet a few other people there. Recently, DrAwesomeMD. He's as his username suggests (the awesome part, not the doctor part :P), even though I haven't known him that long. And I was even recently promoted in the Forum Games Union! I've been trying to pick up my union activity for a few weeks now, and I got the job! :D

And how can I forget The Union That Never Was? Next to the Forum Games Union, it has to be my favorite! There I met Anonymous_Shade, SuperfastSonic, Cmd, and recently Spiderboy. They're all awesome people! :lol: As well as talk with old friends, LittleGreenDog and Slyfur (actually, Slyfur is probably in all of the unions I've mentioned.... :P).
LittleGreenDog is really nice! She's kind of like Slyfur's twin, just without being nearly as violent, thankfully. :lol: And they argue over stupid things sometimes, but I think that's their thing. :lol: One of those being whether or not Marluxia is gay ,although they haven't even mentioned it in the longest time. :P

And recently, Anonymous has started a Role Play topic. It's quite interesting! He, Slyfur, Cmd, Spiderboy, and I have been posting in it a lot. Though pretty much everyone is better than I am. :lol:

And um.... I honestly can't think of anything more to say. :lol: I think this blog is already pretty long. I was going to look at my past blogs and try to get something more from them, but I guess I never got around to it. :lol: Oh well! Enjoy the last of your summer, everyone! And if you're already back in school, good luck. :P


Six Days or Two Months Early?

My last blog was flamed in the comments, therefore leading it to be moderated. There goes my clean record! Not only that, but I have made my blog Friends Only private. Here are the updates I listed in it before, though, in case you missed....

LGD is being unbanned! But everyone already knew that already! :D

I've been in Virginia the past three days. We went to a Chik-Fil-A, and I asked for Ethan, but they had no one named Ethan working there. Wrong place, I guess. :P We got home yesterday actually, but I've been.... well, sleeping. I'm not lazy. Just tired.

I made a Greatest Game Villains bracket. I don't have the emblem for it though. But I picked Ganondorf, which may or may not have been influenced by my love for Legend Of Zelda.

Oh, I have to go to the doctors. Not only must I get a few shots for school, but I'm sick. Believe it or not, I've been freezing since last night. I'm so cold, in fact, I'm wearing a jacket right now. :| If you knew what Michigan weather was like, you'd think I was insane. Where I live, it's quite hot. My mom yelled at me when I put my jacket on this morning. :cry:

So how is everyone doing? I've been doing quite well myself. I haven't been posting much at all in unions, just the Forum Games Union. But I assure you that I'm very much alive. :P

Anyway, in six days, it will mark my one-year anniversary on GameSpot. But I'm not so sure I was that active for the first month or two, as I believe I started posting around October, because I remember mentioning my birthday. I don't know what I'm going to do, it's been a year and I have less than 50 blogs, along with about 2000 posts or so. I could do a best friends thing, like Slyfur and Mr_Jenkins, but I wouldn't know how to put it together. Any ideas for my one-year anniversary blog would be appreciated!

I really can't believe it's been almost year already. It doesn't even feel like I've been here that long! This site is the only thing I've actually been online for. :P I mean, when I get a chance on the computer, I check my email, then sign into GameSpot. After I finish posting at unions and reading blogs, I log off and leave. That's it, it's all I do. :P

I.... actually thought I had more time to blog, but I guess not. :P Sorry it's so short. Or boring. Or.... just a waste of letters. :lol: Have a nice weekend, everyone!


I So Hate Consequences

Yes. I stole my blog title from the Relient K song, in case you were wondering. :P But that is not the point of this blog!

I'm sure many of you have heard already, but a good friend of mine recently got banned. LittleGreenDog. :cry: She was a great person to talk with, and posting in The Union That Never Was won't be the same. She was banned due to the fact that her sister was under-aged, and GameSpot thinks LGD was associated with the account. She was not. She has contacted GS Staff about the problem, and as far as Slyfur knows, is still awaiting a response.

I sincerly hope that she can be unbanned, because none of this was her fault. If not, GS has just lost one of it's best users. And I'm sure many other members feel the same way, since she was a good friend. She will be missed.

Slyfur has kept in contact with her through YouTube. On there, LittleGreenDog is known as WolfOfLightning. I do not have an account, and do not plan to get one any time soon, but for those of you that know her and wish to keep in touch, her YouTube account is the only other thing I know of.

I honestly consider LGD and I good friends, though we did not talk much, other than posting at TUTNW together. I honestly hope she can be unbanned somehow.

On another note, I also picked up Okami. I had planned on getting the PS2 version, but they were out of stock, so I bought the Wii version. I'm not very far in at all, but I love it. The battle system is a bit hard to control, and can get quite frustrating, but the game is beyond fun.

That's all I have to say. If you didn't know LGD, it's a shame. Good night, everyone! have a nice weekend!
