Hi there! Glad you decided to read this blog of mine.
As the title suggests, it's late at night. It's almost 12AM here!! :o I cannot sleep at all, and I've heard that blogging helps? I don't see how, but I have decided to try. So this blog is filled with a few random things.
Guess what! I turn 14 on Halloween night! *spooky music* :lol: Isn't that cool? LOL. I know I've been saying I'm already 14, but I am actually 13 for now. :oops: .... :D
I have been on GameSpot for almost 2 mouths, I suppose. But the first mouth or so I hadn't joined any unions or tracked any people, so I've decided not to count that.
The first person I tracked was Slyfur, and the first person to track me first was either Courtney817, or NintendoNaut. I could look through my messages and tell you for sure, but I am feeling a bit lazy. :P
Speaking of which, I have about 8 friends. I believe I can name them all, too. There's... Courtney, Slyfur, NintendoNaut, Twilightlullaby, Desulated, Marrium1, The-silent-hero, and... um... Psp8976. Then there's Slyfur's second account, HylianCat, and myself. :lol: Yes, I am friends with myself. Slyfur showed me the trick to it. Just go to your Friends tab, and type in your username in the little search box on the side. Then it should be easy to to track yourself from there. :P
Perhaps, in my next blog, I'll add links to the people I mention? I would have this time, but as I already said, I am feeling a bit lazy and/or tired.
Well, I suppose I should end this blog. It is very late, and I should be sleeping. Plus, there's no telling what will happen if my parents figure out I'm on the computer this late at night, either! :P So, bye! Hope to see you around!