Um.... I couldn't think of a title. At all. I'm sorry. :lol: Oh well.
My activity has been kind of.... slow, lately. You can blame Denver, Colorado for my absence (for the most part). That.... and the crappy internet at the hotel. :P It would work fine for a little while, and then just freeze up, and I would have to restart my laptop.
We did have fun though. We didn't get to see much, but it's quite a nice state. And when I was younger, I used to have a friend in Denver! I believe her name was Alexa, she had been my penpal for school. Speaking of which, another reason for my inactivity is school. I've been so busy lately! I've had extra homework, and all new classes.... Only two of which I have any friends in! :cry:
Oh well.... It has been quite a while since I've written a blog. Nothing to post about, I suppose. Hm.... Oh! Slyfur had a quiz in her blog for girls only. :P It was too long to leave in my comment, so I figured I'd post it too my blog.
Your personality:
Type: Extrovert
Good Qualities: Friendly, has emotions under control, optimistic
Bad Qualities: Doesn't think about deep subjects like depression, thinks everyone can just be happy and their depression is a choice
OXIII's opinions:
I. Xemnas: "She's very hopeful and kind. She brings a light into our gloomy days."
II. Xigbar: "She's not extraordinary, but very easy to talk to."
III. Xaldin: "I guess she's okay. Nothing special."
IV. Vexen: "She's very helpful in the laboratory and a sweetheart. Though I don't share her bright, optimistic views."
V. Lexeaus: "She talks to me a lot, but then again she talks to everyone."
VI. Zexion: "She hangs out with me in the library often. She's very smart, and we sometimes just sit there having long discussions. I suppose I could say I like her a lot... Xigbar teases me about having a crush on her, but as far as I know, Nobodies can't have those kinds of feelings."
VII. Saix: "She used to annoy me, but she doesn't bother me quite as much anymore."
VIII. Axel: "I love talking to her. Honestly, besides Roxas, she's the only one in the Organization that I trust."
IX. Demyx: "She is such a blast! Right now I'm trying to teach her how to play the sitar. She can't play very well at all, but we have fun trying!"
X. Luxord: "A very cute, bouncy addition to our ranks. Before she came, I'd lost hope, but now she has me believing we can, in fact, get our hearts back."
XI. Marluxia: "A sweet girl. Sometimes she helps me water my flower garden."
XII. Larxene: "I really don't want to say this, but the little brat's starting to rub off on me..."
XIII. Roxas: "Me, her, and Axel just kind of chill together all the time. She's really nice and fun to be around."
I'd say it is quite accurate. I'd definitely like to hang out with Roxas.... :P Zexion, Axel, and Demyx's are also my favorites. I'm smart, trustworthy, and learning to play the sitar. :lol:
Well, I really don't know what to blog about. I just started writing this for the heck of it. I haven't written anything in a while. Speaking of writing, I have the next two chapter of my Kingdom Hearts fanfic saved in Microsoft Word! I suppose I'll have to post them soon. Or I can just write "They all were mauled by Heartless" and end it there. :lol:
Well.... I suppose I'm sorry for the useless blog. :P If you've read this far, you have my thanks.