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Crazy Dream Tag ~ RG Edition

Ooh, look, I've been tagged. Thank you, FojMohsin. Sorry if I spelled that wrong, by the way. :lol:

This tag is a bit different. You have to share one of your craziest dreams. As soon as Foj tagged me, I knew exactly what to write about. It might not be that crazy, but it's the first one that came to mind. But before I get started, I have a few things to say.

My adventures in Birth By Sleep is nearing an end. That sounded weird.... :P But I'm playing in Aqua's Story, and I've just got to Deep Space. I know, my progress has been so slow! But I've had to do some level grinding. I'm level 25 now. I believe I'll post my impressions after I beat the game. Maybe like a mini-review, like Slyfur did with her first impressions.

Does anyone remember that blog I wrote when I started reading the Warriors book series? Well, I'm now completely caught up in the series! I'm awaiting the newest Omen of the Stars book to be released, and I just got Bluestar's Prophecy today. My uncle gave it to me as an early birthday present, as he will not be here for my actual birthday. I've read all the main series, special editions, and Firestar's Quest. The ending to Sunrise almost made me cry. :cry: I loved Hollyleaf, even though quite a few people hated her.

I also took one of Slyfur's quizzes again. She posted three or four of them, and I took them all, but I'm only going to share the one. :P This was the... first link she posted, I believe.

Your Boyfriend - SORA!
Best friend - SELPHIE!

Sora: Absolutely loves you and would do anything for you.
"She's so wonderful I would go to the End of the Worlds for her."
Riku: Sees you as a little sister and is protective of you (in a big brotherly way).
"She's a bit annoying at times, probably why she and Sora make such a good couple." (Sora: "HEY!")
Kairi: Really doesn't like you for taking Sora but she refuses to admit it.
"She's ok."
Selphie: Is your best friend. She thinks you and Sora are the perfect couple. (She's planning your wedding already)
"She's great and her and Sora are so cute! Do you think blue and orange work together?"
Wakka: Thinks you're a good volleyball player.
"Maybe she can teach Sora how to actually HIT the ball." (Sora: "HEY!")
Tidus: Has a crush on you but wont do anything because of Sora and Riku.
"She's hot...(sees Riku and Sora's glares) I mean she's nice. heh..."
Leon: Thinks you and Sora are good together.
"Sora found himself a good one."
Cid: Thinks you're a bit of a pest.
"She's always talking about Sora... that girl never shuts up!"
Yuffie: Thinks you need to train more.
"She should come train with Leon and I... especially if she's Sora's girlfriend."
Aerith: Thinks you're sweet and likes your spunky attitude.
"I'm so happy for her and Sora."
Cloud: Doesn't really know you.
"I fought her once, she didn't seem that strong."
Maleficent: Hates you.
"She's always interfering with my plans."
Ansem: Is planning on using you to get to Sora.
"Hate her." (No surprises there)
Sephiroth: Has no idea who you are.

Hope you liked it! Please rate! Thanks!

The second-to-last question asked what you would do if you saw Maleficent. I picked "Throw a rock at her." :lol: Just felt like sharing that. :P I really didn't expect to get Sora, but given the answers I gave, I suppose it's correct. :P

Anyway. Let's get to that dream tag, shall we?


1) Tell about the craziest dream you had (in blog, not comments)
2) Title your blog: Craziest Dream Tag - (your username) version-
3) Mention who tagged you
4) Tag two people

This was quite a recent dream. Try to keep in mind that, for some reason, everyone is an animal. :P Anyway....

I was at Destiny Islands, and I was.... attacking a tree with a wooden sword in my mouth. :lol: I'm some sort of dog with cat ears or something, by the way. :lol: But anyway. Somehow, my sword falls into the ocean. So I jump in and swim after it, but Sora and Riku dive into the ocean a little further ahead (like the ending of KH2), and Riku grabs my sword as he and Sora swim to shore and shake their fur. It was funny, because of Sora's hair mostly. :P

So I swim all the way back to shore, and yell at Riku for taking my sword. He just shrugs and walks off. With my sword! So, in order to get my beloved sword back, I yelled.... something. I can't remember. But Slyfur (red wolf) and LittleGreenDog (uh, green dog :P) come out of no where, and Slyfur chases Riku down. She tackles him and gets my sword back, but she hurt Riku! :cry: Typical Slyfur. So LittleGrenDog and I walk over to him. I guess LGD is like the medicine cats from Warriors, because she healed him. Then she, Slyfur, Riku and Sora walked away. And left me without my sword. Again. I just wanted it back! Was that so wrong?!

So then Roxas, as a cute little puppy, finds my sword and gives it back. I jump up, extremely happy, and run off, going back to attacking that poor tree with my sword. I have no clue why. I mean, what did that tree ever do to me? But then.... the tree yells at me. And then Roxas takes my sword and attacks the tree, which makes it stop yelling. For some reason. And um, that's it.

So basically, the moral of the story is, never drop your wooden sword when attacking trees, kids. :P I'm not even sure the dream makes any sense. :lol:

Oh well. This is longer than I originally intended. Sorry!
