Hi guys!How was your 4th of July?I had fun today, and my familyand I aregoing to see some fireworks in a little bit. They're going to be great! :D
So yes, you'll never guess where I'm posting this from! Philadelphia! We'll be staying in a hotel until Tuesday so we can enjoy the 4th of July here. Thank goodness the place has internet, and that I wasso much of a geek as to bring along my laptop. :P But yeah, I didn't even know we were going.
There was this celebration going on.... um, somewhere, and my family had been walking around all day! I'm quite tired after all that walking, so I plan to watch the fireworks, then go to bed. :P But anyway, Philadelphia knows how to celebrate! I had so much fun! Someone was handing out wallets. :lol: The tag said "This is a Random Act of Color."It was cute. And that's not even the best part....
While we where walking, you'll never guess who I found. One 15 year old girl with a cast on her leg. Ring any bells? It was Slyfur. :shock: It was so crowded, I was shocked she was there, let alone that I found her. So I pointed her out to my parents, and I called over to her. She didn't hear me (she wears headphones too often :P),but her little cousin did. She saw me waving, and made Fur turn around. I swear she was about to fall over. :lol:
She was there with her two friends (Ethan and Jen, I believe she said their names were), and her little cousin Jade. Ethan's parents had taken them along, which I thought was quite nice. And guess what! I got to personally sign Fur's cast! She's gettingit off in a few days, though, so I guess I'm pretty late, huh? :P So we just kind of hung out the entire time. I was talking to her on webcam just a little while ago, too.
Well, I'm going to cut this short! Just note that I will try to get the continuation of my story up soon. Happy Fourth, everyone! Unless you don't live in America.... Oh well.
Hetalia, anyone? :P Bye! Happy 4th of July (again)!