Tis the season to be tagged. Fa la la la la la la la la.
Sorry you had to listen to my awful singing there. :P Anyway, I have been tagged by Slyfur! Oh noes! :o So here's 10 facts about myself.
1: I have black hair that comes just inches past my shoulders.
2: I am posting this from New York!! *
3: Thanks to Slyfur, I can now ride a skateboard! ...but I fail with trying to learn tricks.
4: If I hate you, I'll usually get over it pretty soon, since I'm just that nice. :P
5: I only added the 6 in my username because "RikusGirl" already existed. I'd love to meet this other person...
6: Speaking of the number, 6 is actually my favorite number.
7: Thanks to Slyfur (again), I have this song and this song stuck in my head. Dang the Fur Roll!! (The second one is the Fur Roll. :P)
8: I am pretty short for my age.
9: I want to see The Blind Side with my friends when I get back home to Michigan.
10: My 5-year-old little brother recently started playing video games. He's so cute...
* Sincemy family and Iwere at Philadelphia PA, we decided to visit my aunt in New York. I have relatives everywhere. :lol: We actually visited the Nintendo World Store yesterday. It was SOO COOL!! I didn't get much though, all I got a T-shirt with the Legend of Zelda logo on it. Best. T-shirt. Ever.
Before I end this blog, I wanna give a shout out. :P Am I even allowed to do that?Haha. Anyway; Happy Birthday, Slyfur!! It's on December 16th, but I don't know if I'm going to blog by then. Probably am, but still. :P I've also heard Koopa_shell's birthday is on the same day. Or the day after? Sorry, I can't remember well. :P Happy Birthday to Koopa_shell too!