My apologies for my recent absence! I haven't started up my laptop, or been on any computers for... the last three days! :o
Well, my excuse for not being on the Internet at all for the last few days? Um.... I've got nothing. :P You people simply annoy me, I needed a break. Just kidding! :P I've been really busy lately. I've been hanging out with three or four of my friends, gaming with Leo, Holly being home from college (she's actually been home for quite a while now), and some other things I'd rather not mention have taken away my free time.
I'm sure no one really noticed I was gone though.... Maybe, Slyfur? That's it? :P Sorry if I've missed anything important. .... Oh noes! I wonder if the Organization KH's Island Challenge thing has started up yet? Or if I've been booted from the team for not being around? Or if Slyfur has gone through with killing Shadowchronicle yet? :P Wait, didn't she get Sirracannal to do that....? I'm getting off-topic! My point is, I'm quite sorry if I've missed anything important!
As with gaming, I haven't done much of anything lately. Brawl and Mario Kart with Leo is about it. Did I ever mention Leo beat Spirit Tracks? He's making quite some progress in Twilight Princess now, too! I believe he's in the Water Temple as of now.
Holly stole The World Ends With You from me.... Once she came home from college, she just sat on the couch and started playing my DS. :cry: Thankfully, I've beaten the game (except for Another Day, I'm quite terrible at Tin Pin Slammer :P), so she's just playing Shiki's week as of now. Of course, that means I'll have to start over the Another Day chapter....
I believe that's all the updates I have. It turned out longer than I expected.... Oh well. I suppose I should update my story, I haven't written anything in quite some time.
Chapter 7
After taking a short break from fighting the Heartless, Squirrel, Jager, Victor, and Eric decided to take a look around town.
"This is Port Royal, guys. Not only is it crawling with pirates on a regular basis, but it's infested with Heartless, too!" Victor objected.
"Yeah, well, that's kind of our mission. Ya know, defeating the Heartless? Reconnecting the worlds? Figuring out why Eric and Jager aren't supposed to exist? Ringing any bells?" Squirrel spoke with emphasis. "We only have to visit three worlds, including this one."
"I'm not afraid.... I'm just trying to say, maybe it'd be better if we joined Captain Jack on his ship. There's an isle not far from here, he could take us there on his ship. There's bound to be Heartless there too, right?"
"He makes a good point. What do you say, Jager?" Eric asked.
Jager paused for a moment, looking at his friends, then glancing at Captain Jack's ship. "Fine. Let's see if he'll let us aboard."
The four of them raced over to the docks and stopped Captain Jack before he boarded his ship. "Aye, you kids again? What'd ye want, lads?"
"Captain Jack, can you take us somewhere on your ship?" Victor asked.
"There's an isle not far to the North of here, we were wondering if you could help us get there?" Jager spoke.
"Well, the four of ye do fight real well.... an' I'll be headin' that way anyway. So as long as ye don't tough nothin' on me ship, I guess taggin' along ain't so bad an idea."
As they boarded and Captain Jack headed out to sea, there wasn't much to do. "So uh, Eric, where's Chester?" Squirrel asked, sitting on the stairs leading above deck, while everyone else sat on the floor, thanks to lack of chairs.
"Um...." Eric looked around.
"You lost Chester!? What is wrong with you?!"
"I didn't lose him! I remember he followed us on board, but.... I haven't seen him."
"He's probably above deck. Why don't you take a look, Squirrel?" Jager suggested, looking up from a card game with Victor.
"Fine... But if I can't find him, I'm throwing Eric overboard." Squirrel growled as she headed above deck. Eric had a scared look on his face as she left.
"O-overboard?" He whimpered.
Above deck, Squirrel stretched in the dim moonlight, though it always seemed to be dark here. "We'll be there soon, right?" She asked.
Captain Jack looked over at her. "Aye, we're about half way there, lad. Ye didn't break nothin' below deck, did ye?"
Squirrel shook her head as she began looking for Chester. "What're ye lookin' for? Lose somethin'?" Jack eventually asked.
Squirrel barely had time to utter "uh" before something made her spin around. Two Shadow Heartless were locked in a duel right behind her. "Chester!" Squirrel recognized him by his blue eyes, the other Shadows had yellow.
"Heartless? On me ship? Aye, take care of 'em for me, will ya, lad? I gotta steer!"
"Aye aye, captain." Squirrel summoned her Reconnect Keyblade and attacked the yellow-eyed Shadow, defeating it in one strike. "Where's the rest of-" She didn't even have time to finish her sentence before flying Heartless dropped off enemies from the sky, and Neoshadows jumped on board from the sea.
Squirrel, instead of going below deck to call to her friends, tried to fight them herself. Even Chester helped by attacking other Shadows.
"Lad, there're too many for jus' you! Get yer friends up here!" Captain Jack yelled.
"I can handle these punks!" Squirrel called back, and spun around with her Keyblade, taking out several surrounding Heartless. She wasn't doing as great as she thought she was, however, she was barely making a dent in the enemy ranks.
One of the flying Heartless swooped down with it's talons, sinking them into Squirrel's arm and sending her flying. Swearing under her breath, she got back to her feet and slashed her dagger down the chest and across the stomach of her enemy, causing it to screech. However, one of the Neoshadows caused her to fall once more.
"Squirrel, what's going-" Jager came from below deck at the sound of the commotion. "Guys, get up here, and get ready for a fight!" He yelled down to Victor and Eric, who came rushing up the stairs in seconds with their weapons ready.
Jager helped Squirrel back to her feet after casting Blizzaga on the nearby Neoshadow. "What the crap is going on up here!?"
"Heartless attacked while I was looking for Chester. I... thought I could handle them on my own..." Squirrel muttered. "I'll explain later!"
Jager didn't say anything else as she went back to slashing the Heartless, as he casted Thundaga on a mass of flying Heartless.
Meanwhile, Eric fired his bow and arrow from where Captain Jack steered the ship. The arrows didn't reach very far, so he casted Areo on them to send them flying.
"Eric, get down here and fight! You're going to run out of arrows!" Squirrel yelled as a flying Heartless dropped from out of the sky and nearly landed on her.
"No I- Oh...." Eric mumbled as he reached for more arrows but none were left. "Craaap." He moaned, put his bow away, and jumped on deck with his sword in hand.
Eventually, they destroyed the last of the Heartless with barely any harm to either of them.
"Hey, Squirrel, did you ever find Chester?" Eric asked.
"Yeah, he's... right over there." Squirrel nodded towards Chester coming out from below deck. "He was actually fighting at one point, but I guess he got thrown below deck in all the commotion." Eric smiled and picked up the Heartless pet.
"So Squirrel, why didn't you call down to us that there was an attack?" Victor asked.
"Yeah, you know we would've helped." Jager turned to her, waiting for an answer.
"Erm, well...." She muttered, scratching the back of her head and looking around. "I... I thought I could handle them on my own. But more Heartless came, and I got pushed around a bit, I didn't get a chance to."
"You should have yelled down to us when the first Heartless appeared." Jager said as he checked himself for wounds.
"I'm... I'm sorry. I know I should have, I just didn't think they were going to be much of a problem."
Before either Jager or Victor had a chance to reply, Captain Jack docked. "Nice fightin', mateys! We're here!"
"Maybe you should leave Chester on board." Victor suggested as they stepped foot on the isle.
"Nah, he'll be fine. This place seems pretty quiet." Eric shrugged.
"Actually, he's right, it is pretty quiet here. I'm not so sure there's much to see here, guys..." Jager spoke. "But I suppose taking a look around won't hurt. Come on."
I liked how this one turned out. It's a little longer than I expected, but it's nice! :P I hope you enjoyed. Comments are always appreciated!