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Oh, Internet....

Well! It sure has been a while, hasn't it? I'm so sorry for not commenting on blogs or replying on forums - not that anyone should have missed me that much. :P My Internet crashed around Christmas time, and it was working off-and-on until about New Year's Day, to the point where it just stopped completely.

About two months without the Internet wasn't too bad, I suppose... it gave me a ton of time to get gaming. And Leo as well! Oh, he's been doing so well in gaming recently! He's beaten all the recent Kingdom Hearts games, has played and beaten every Legend of Zelda game I own, and has also beaten Kirby's Epic Yarn and Epic Mickey.

As for me.... I got a PS3! :D:D I do not, however, have PSN. My parents won't allow me to set up an Internet connection because of all the recent problems. I don't mind, actually. I would do the same thing considering our Internet... well, considering our Internet sucks. :P

Assuming my Internet doesn't crash again, I will talk more about gaming in a future blog. :lol: For now, before I continue this blog, I have to give shout outs. :P I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas, New Year's, and Valentine's Day! Happy birthday to Koopa_shell, LittleGreenDog, Aidan129, Berto64, and Out-Of-Ammo! And anyone else's birthday that I missed! Those.... are the only ones Slyfur could think of, as I don't know when everyone's birthday is. Sorry. :P

During the two months I was gone, my family and I visited Virginia. I also talked to my aunt about flying back to Florida this summer and spend a week or two with her, mainly so that I could finally see the Animal Kingdom. :lol: We haven't set an exact date, but we're narrowing it down.... slowly.... :P

This isn't exactly what I wanted for my returning blog. But I keep getting distracted and, if I want to post on the forums, I should end this now. :P I hope everyone is doing well!