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Oh Noes!

I've been tagged by Princess Assassin Slyfur again. I can't think of more things I like/hate, so I'm just going to do 10 facts. That sounds fair, right?

1) I think I tend to eat a lot of yogurt. :lol:
2) I'm listening to "Shattered" by Trading Yesterday right now. :P
3) Relient K and Skillet are my favorite bands.
4) Slyfur is probably my best friend on this website. Even though she's an evil assassin.
5) I'm a pretty bad cook. :lol: But I try!
6) I got straight A's last year.
7) I'm probably taking AP cla sses this year.
8.) I don't hate school....
9) I'm saving up for a PS3. :D
10) Roxas is my favorite Organization member. ....what? He's cute. :P

There. That was harder than I thought it would be. :lol: I won't tag anyone time,I thinkI tagged most everyone last time. :P

On another note, I'm heading to GameStop tomorrow. I'm hoping to pick up Okami, since LittleGreenDog and the Princess Assassin both recommend it. If not, I might pick up a PSP game, since I haven't used it in forever. :lol: Leo uses it more than me, though, so I suppose it's getting good use. He's playing some racing game or something I bought him for his birthday a while ago. :P

Wish me luck! I desperately want to play Okami. Oh, and Holly beat The World Ends With You. Now I can get back to playing Another Day! Finally! :lol:

Hmm.... Well, I can't think of anything important enough to blog about. Well, at least this blog isn't terribly long. :P Have a good weekend, everyone!
