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*steals Slyfur's catchphrase* RAWR! & Merry Christmas!!

*sets off one of Slyfur's signature Explosions* Curse you, RazerBlade!! Thinkin' he's all smart... Tagging me... GRASS SEEDS! Blaheryraggleflagglemerge! No, that is not a bunch of random letters! Go ahead, sound it out... I'll wait...

Okay, now let's get on with this so I can hire Slyfur to beam RazerBlade with some potatoes... perhaps in his sleep so he won't see it coming...

1: I absolutely feel in love with my drawing. Thanks Fur! (If you wanna see it, go here.)
2: I cannot think of anything. Bet you didn't see that coming!
3: I still have short, black hair...
4: I don't own Super Smash Bros. Brawl, but I'm asking Sandy Claws for it. :P
5: 5 is STILL my favorite number. I don't think it's gonna change, my friend.
6: I think it would be sad if I tagged Slyfur. Again. :lol:
7: I'm thinking of tagging Desulated instead. It would be equally fun. :P
8: I'll most likely tag them both. :lol:
9: I'm stuck drinking Diet Dr. Pepper for the next week... Never send your dad to pick up a case of Dr. Pepper. Ever.
10: I have my own laptop.

If you knew those, that's too bad. I couldn't think of ANYTHING. Next time I'm tagging I'm doing random crap that's not true. :P

Oh, right... All of my friends are awesome. You all should bombard each other with friend requests. :P Especially Courtney817, Slyfur and Nintendonaut, Desulated, and Mr_Jenkins! Yeah, bombard them with friend requests!

