Jack Russell's are really fiesty, and cute. That's true, they are inside and outside dogs, even though all dogs need some type of exericse. They are very energetic, so it'd be wise to let him/her expend the energy.
Cats are easier in some ways. You don't need to take them out for walks. You don't need to give them a lot of attention, because they don't seek it much. They're just very independent, which makes it easier to care for. Dogs, you have to bathe, take out for walks, take out to use the bathroom (unless housebroken and even thats 'ew') and they generally want more attention than any cat ever would. I say rabbit is hard to care for as well. They're like a weaker dog. But I'd prefer a dog and rabbit over a cat.
Um, try going to a local shelter. You MAY not get a puppy (shelter dogs can vary from puppies to senior dogs, and the latter is quite common, please don't let that deter you) but the dog comes with their vaccinations, spayed/neutered, and even microchipped just incase he/she gets lost. Plus, shelters are 1,000$ less than a typical dog you'd find at a breeder who doesn't provide most of that stuff and a vet check. Shelters depending on which one can range from 50-200$.
Lol, no animal smells unless you don't clean it. I've seen tons of cats that smell horrible, because their owner doesn't care for them properly. It's the same with any animal. Cat's in my opinion are boring, and less affectionate than a dog who craves attention constantly. A cat is a good pet if you're looking for a pet that is very independent, and you don't want to spend hours with it.
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