Welcome back everyone.
I downloaded and played the demo for Genesis Rising: The Universal Crusade. GRUC is an RTS, space game. The graphics are, admittedly, quite good in relation to the space texturing and atmosphere. It was very Eve Online in terms of its visuals. However, the ships looked a lot like molded platercine. They were very "plastic" as some reviewers on the forums mentioned. I did like the weapons customizability that is offered for the individual ships, but the size of the fleet is very limited by the look of the demo. Generally, the plot appeared to be interesting. Whether I could get through the entire deluge of scenarios in the real game, and maintain interest, I can't say. There are very few RTS games that I've gone through and finished (Heroes of Might & Magic? Civilizations? Do those count as RTS?). Still, I'll probably grab myself a copy of the game after the price drops a bit. I gave the game a tentative 7/10, via the demo. Once I get the chance to play the full version, we'll see how that changes.
In union news, activity in The Writers' Lounge has dropped, basically dead since I posted my last March Break Daily Challenge. There've been a couple of posts since then, but not too many. I'm not entirely sure how we can get some activity going. The challenges didn't seem to get nearly as many posts as I had hoped, though the ones that have arrived are really good, and there are others promising that they will be posting in them in the future. I think I'm going to try another writing exercise on there, a collaborative story. Basically, one person writes a paragraph, then someone else writes a paragraph, then a third person, and so on. Basic rules, keep it clean, must have at least two other people between your two posts. It'll work as both a writing exercise, and it'll get some activity on the board so it doesn't get the death warning this month.
I recently joined The Neoswordmaster Company. This is a very new union dedicated to Neopets, Pokemon, Smash Brothers, and Final Fantasy (Kingdom Hearts included). I joined because the leader, a fellow member of The Writers' Lounge, and someone on my friends list invited me to join. I mentioned that I didn't really know too much about the games, but whatever. Anyhow, there's a writing contest over there too that I'm going to give a bit of a run at, and we'll see where it takes me. This union is struggling to get its feet planted right now, and so far hasn't had much in the way of posts. I've got a few up there, and for some reason, they decided to make me an officer today. As a new officer, I'm trying to rally the other officers so we can come up with an actual focus for the union. By having a focus, it can grow. And I'd like to see it grow.
Got an invite from someone else to join their Devil May Cry union. I've never played the game and have no idea who the guy is. That's why I declined the invite. Maybe I was invited because I like vampires, I dunno... There are vampires in that game right? *shrugs*
Managed to obtain my Neighbourly emblem for having more than 10 friends on GS. It brings my current emblem total to seven if you include the registered member emblem. No clue what emblem to aim for now though. Unless something comes up sooner, I'm probably going to be looking at the video, and v-blogging emblems coming next (if not serious collector or PC afficionado). We'll just have to wait and see.
In other upgrade-related news, I've been flipping through the tech mags, mostly Maximum PC, to see the latest hardware and software reveiws. It looks like there's been a few shake-ups in the industry since the last time I was selling computer stuff, or obtaining parts to build my own. It seems that ATI has been obtained by AMD. Which is kinda cool, and presuming the transfer of power hasn't caused any setbacks in development, there's still some hope that ATI, er AMD DirectX10 graphics cards can be out and decent by the fall. Unforuntately, the chip wars (processors) hasn't fared as well it seems. Although AMD continues to obtain greater market share, Intel's chips are running circles around them. This sucks, in my opinion, since I'd prefer to run with an AMD chip, but want to have the best I can get at the moment. In the Fall, Intel will be releasing their new line of chips, using 45 nm technologly... AMD's first 45 nm processors aren't expected to be released until 2008 at the earliest. This is horrible news considering that 45 nm tech allows them to put more transistors on the chip, thereby increasing speed. By going from 65 nm to 45 nm tech, we're looking at a considerable growth in processor speeds coming this fall. A growth that is really going to hurt AMD (unless thier newly acquired ATI graphics cards come out relatively inexpensive and much better than NVidia's DirectX10 cards).
The issue of Maximum PC that I'm reading through (April 2007), also happens to contain their fifth annual softy awards. I figured I'd flip through and see what they're looking at. The first one on their list is CCleaner. This program empties your recycle bin, clears out old chkdsk file fragments, old prefetch data, and other little bits of junk that stick around on your computer after a program has been run. Best of all, it's a free application. I took this little baby for a test drive on Infernus Morte. I had over 1 GB of crap that it cleaned out for me. Afterwards I found that things were running a good bit smoother than I had been experiencing for quite a while. (I've since uninstalled and deleted another 49 GB of data/apps/games and defragged, which make it run nice and smooth).
Also on the list is GAIM. GAIM is a multi-platform instant messenger. I've been using Trillian for all of my IMing for the past five years, basically since they first came out. I even paid for the pro version, even though I could have gone by with just the free version quite well. I paid because I genuinely liked their service and wanted to ensure that they continued to work on their product. Unfortunately, they haven't had much of an upgrade for the past few years. And though they're working hard on a new version right now, that won't stop me from looking elsewhere while I wait. GAIM, like the basic Trillian, is also free. As far as functions go, it's definitely lacking. However, GAIM loads up much faster and seems a lot more stable than Trillian ever was. As of yet, I haven't had much in the way of programs locking up, only to be unlocked by closing GAIM (unlike what was happening frequently with Trillian). My Yahell connect has been more stable than when I was even using Yahell. As a result, I've switched over to GAIM, for now. It just has too much for me to waste anymore time on an older, less efficiant, and buggy messenger service.
The issue had a lot of other neat stuff in it, including plenty of case designs and other types of hardware that could make most hardware nuts drool a little bit. It turns out some of the stuff on my upgrade pricing list from my previous post were actually mentioned in the magazine (the seagate hard drive and the graphics card). I've been trying to decide whether I have the coin right now to get myself a subscription. I know it'd be cheaper than buying individual magazine, but I'm also going to be moving in a couple months, and having to change my mailing address for yet another subscription/service/bill/etc is a bit of a pain in the butt. Still, at $30 US for 12 issues, vs $9 US/issue, I think it just might be worth it.
Anyhow, I figure that's probably enough for today. I'm going to get to work on cleaning up the front page of my website. Not looking at a complete overhaul like I did last year, just a bit of cleaning up and CSS work so that when I get around to a complete revamp, it'll be a bit easier for me.
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