My cat Rarity's kittens have finally arrived! When I got home from riding my horse, I was just chilling out on AC3 when my other cat Luna came up to me miowing her head off and bounced off in the direction of the bathroom. So I being rather intrigued followed her to discover the sight of Rarity pushing out a black and white kitten sack and all, so I spent the next 5 hours helping this cat push out 2 more babies whilst cutting the umbilical cords and removing the sacks.
The firstborn is called Blaze (tom) due to a large stripe down his face, we then have Twilight (queen) who has a white moustache and belly and last but not least there is Discord (tom) due to thinking he was black cat but instead he has little white bib. They are currently 2 weeks old now and have their eyes and ears opened up properly as well as starting to learn how to walk!:lol: