Around the last week of September I order a PSP1001K core system from But since then I posted a blog about it and talk to a friend (Lazlowe) about what I need for my PSP (which is coming later today or tomorrow...I ben keeping track LOL!) Ok!..from its name (PSP1001K core system) I kinda won't have a memory stick (a $ony Memory stick pro duo) But...No Charger?!!! I said to her: OH COME ON!!! No charger?!!!...any who! she told me what can I do and needformy PSP. So last friday I also buyed a PSP Home and Travel charger and a $ony 4GB Memory stick...the price of all this:
PSP1001K core system: $73.99
PSP Home And Travel Charger: $6.45
$ony 4GB memory stickpro-duo:$15.98
the shipping and handlingis added into the price...So I have paid $96.42!! was that a DEAL or what!!