Hope you guys enjoy this.
Chapter I
As Link slowly wipes the blood dripping from his mouth, he notices the sound of footsteps nearing from behind. He quickly swings his master sword only to halt it an inch away from his would be attackers neck. "Link, its-aaa-me-a-Maaario!!!" in a nervously frightened voice. "Hurry, we dont have time. Kratos and Master Chief has gathered their armies to try and conquer the destined lands. Our army is tired and weary from this victory in Japanda against the small armies of S.O.N.Y. and M.S. but we must not be content, we need the other 2 destined lands." Mario nodded in approval. They gather the N.eo E.lite S.urvivors army and prepare to cross Europa, where Kratos and the mighty S.ons O.f N.ever-Ending Y.outh awaits.
In the Americals...
"Master Chief, Kratos and the S.O.N.Y. army is waiting for us in Europa, the N.E.S army is also on the move, we're awaiting your orders." Fenix declares. "Come on baby, the Cole train is ready to curb stomp these suckas, lets get a move on." Master Chief as always, methodical in thinking, acknowledges both. "Get everyone from the M.inisters of S.ilence primed and informed. Its time to finish the fight..."
In Europa...
"So, the N.E.S. and M.S. armies think they can wage war against us and win. Hahaha, the fools they are. We have built a dynasty within the last 2 generations, this will be no different!" Kratos proclaimed. "But Kratos, both have amassed larger armies this time around and some of the loyalist have turned their backs on us, including Capcoma who have joined the M.inisters of S.ilence." Jak declares. "Fools, this is S.O.N.Y. land, it is impenetrable, we will win this war and instill discipline among their wives and kids when all is said and done to show them that "This...Is Living!!!
Prepare the armies for a massive giant attack!!!"
And so the battle begins...
***If anyone has requests as to who they want to see in the battles or any other suggestions, please let me know. I will incorporate them into Chapter II which I will start as soon as I get your inputs, hope you guys like it so far.***
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