Alright. I took a leap of faith about four days and donated to a Kickstarter project. Which project you ask? Answer: Mighty No. 9. Why? Well, there were a number of reasons, actually, not just hype or nostalgia, but actual reasons. Here is the list:
1.) I wanted to see Kickstarter would actually work effectively as a budget creation tool for the truly creative and determined. I was curious to see if Inafune (you know, the Mega Man creator who quit Capcom), a known and successful talent, could actually live up to promises and hype when directly funded by that hype. Its one thing to build hype through advertisement that you dont have to necessarily live up to while under the wing of a producer, but quite another when you are directly responsible for living up to expectations you create.
2.) I would like to see more games created from over all desire from the audience than from clones someone else deems worthy of being popular. In this way I can effect, even if it the tiniest bit, what I expect from future games not just from numbers games I buy after the fact. I want my voting dollar in the next election not just in the current one.
3.) I miss side-scrollers. Even though theyve been making a comeback this year, I would like to see more. Especially sci-fi based ones.
4.) I mean no offense to anyone by this but Im sick of some of the seriousness that has crept up in gaming. By that, I mean the moaning and groaning about messages, mature controversial themes, advertisements, and political and social opinions thrown in your face, etc. etc. blah blah. Even video game news sites and reviewers all over the internet are trying to dissect games like your high school english teacher tries to dissect old books: trying to make everything relevant and meaningful even if everyone else has seen it before in everything else. Stop it. I dont want to go constantly to Nintendo if I need a break from someone elses deep thinking. I want to play a game because its a GAME. I want to have a simple ten minutes of harmless fun sometimes. I dont always need an enlightening experience / mood swing simulator. Those are okay in small doses, but lately its like every game is trying to give you a "new" worldview. Me? Sometimes all a guy wants is to have fun. Right then I wanted to play a new fun loving game that didnt involve plumbers or zombies but still had a pick and play vibe, saw something that reminded me of simpler days, and invested in it.
So the kickstarter experience looked interesting and I gave it a go. It didn't cost me much, I'll get silly little rewards in 2015, and I got to socialize with a bunch of people who like brainstorming and imagining what could be. On the updates it says there will be polls and surveys relating to characters design and such which I am looking forward to and we get to occationally interact with the design team. Right now they are gunning towards the PS3 and WiiU versions. Will it live up to the hype? I hope so.
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