It's been a long while since the last blog entry, but I've been busy with...well, living. This is site, while entertaining, is not exactly a big focus for me anymore. I play games a lot more casually as well, I use Gamefly or the liberary rather than buy every game I want to play right of the bat. I still buy games that I know I will come back to (Dragon's Dogma, Skyrim, Disgaea 4 ) but for the most part I rent or barrow for titles that randomly pique my curiosity. I've decided to write more reveiws though since I've played a bit more games since my last entrys.
In other news, my xbox360 bit the dust and I've decided the since it's out of warrenty anyway I'll let it stay dead. I used mostly my PS3 anyway. So I'll wait a year or so when the next gen systems come out to see if micosoft stuff will worth toying with again. Reveiws from now on will probably cover PS3, though if I find a wii or ds game I feel like writing about there might be one or two of those as well.