So I have never pre-ordered with Newegg.. can I expect Diablo 3 to arrive tomorrow? Or do they generally just ship out on the release date?
Rizzice1's forum posts
I don't see it anywhere in the PSN store, but it says it's supposed to be released today..?
Honestly I think that's a bit close-minded of a way of thinking. People like different things, so "better" is completely relative to the person. Though that kind of qualifies you saying "pointless thread".. but if we were to all think along those lines, then System Wars is a pointless forum section as well.Pointless thread. Lems will say the xbox game. Cows will say the PS3 game. Some neutrals may add there 2 cents, but that's few and far between.
My advice would be to play better games, but i doubt that's the answer you're looking for ... So get both, they're cheap now.
After reading your responses and looking at some video reviews, I'll probably decide to end up getting Broken Bonds, Rise of a Ninja, and Ultimate Ninja Storm eventually.
Not only do I love fighters, but I like action RPGs as well, which seems what the 360 versions are like, which sounds like a ton of fun.
About the Wii Shippuden series I am kind of hesitant however.. got pretty bad ratings compared to the other titles.
Also, do these titles have a Japanese spoken language + subtitles option? I seriously hate any english voice acting for the series as well as for the games..
For those of you who have played all of them, is it worth it to try all of them? I enjoy fighting games a lot, and I am a Naruto fan, so these titles are looking hopeful
Save your money and get Resident Evil 5 Juggernaut140
I have RE5 already, of course :P
So I actually just got my hands on my friend's Naruto: Clash of Ninja Revolution 2 and it's actually a lot more fun than I thought it would be. Then I later camed to learn that there was one made for PS3 and 360 as well. Just wondering which would be the best out of the 3, they all got rated equally on IGN. I already enjoy the wii version, minus a few things, and of course graphics could always be better on the wii..
Any suggestions?
Also, all three of these games are completely different games, right? I was thinking I may eventually invest in the 360 and PS3 versions if that's the case, because I've become somewhat of a Naruto fan since I started watching the series again :P
I'm just wondering if there's supposed to be any exclusive features to either console?
There are a couple upsides of each version..
Classic controller style would be PS3 while I feel like 360 would be weird to get used to.
But the game can be played online too, so 360 would probably be my preference in that case..
What do you guys think?
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