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The death of Leftism in America

    Recently I was reading a journal entry by a good friend of mine named CanadianNoob from Church and State. This article talked about how the GOP is controlled by reactionary and detrimental Social Conservatives and that the old fiscal Republican is becoming a thing of the past. This is a good observation from the right wing (especially Capitalist leaning) side on how the movement is rotting away from the inside.
    I have seen the same thing happen to the left wing camp too. Ever since the 70's Leftism has been hijacked by radical sects trying to push their extreme agendas such as Feminism, Environmentalism, Anti-Semitism, Gun Control, and all the crazy forms of Afrocentrism, i.e. a whole lotta isms. Since when and more importantly WHY is the is trash tied in with good and intelligent Socialists/Social Democrats ?
    This new breed of liberal yells and protests without really knowing what it is yelling about. They are pandered their beliefs by morons and corporate whores such as Rage Against the Machine or Noam Chomsky. These degenerates rant on about how "TeH Corporations!!!!!!!!!" are ruining their middle class honky lives and make the rest of us look like idiots.
    Probably the biggest problem is the loss of populism within the Leftwing movement. It used to be about the common man getting screwed by the Fat Cats in the sake of profit and what can be done about it. Now it is an US v. THEM competition between smug sophmoric liberals and the rest of the world. This shouldn't be some holy crusade against anybody who votes Republican or has right wing leanings. This new type of liberal derides Republicans as "Rednecks" or "Gun Toting Facist hick"
    Honestly, how do you expect to rally the common man to an intrinsicly populist cause when all you do is make fun of them and put them down. I do not see middle class/lower class Republicans as idiots or degenerates but people caught up in the hype of Republican chuck and jive politics. While many are going unemployed due to runaway globalist policies just so CEO's can make millions they pander a crock about "Gay Marriage" and "Abortion" and make it out like it is so much more important than those who are going out of work.
    Now that my emotional rant is starting to run dry all I have to say is that this degenerate trend within leftism has to stop sometime soon or all will be lost. Fiscal Liberals of the world unite!

I Am AWFUL at everything

I have no usable or productive skill/talent. There is no contribution from society coming from me as far as I know. It isn't like I am some punk who is good at something and is unwilling to share it with the world. As you can see

I am an awful writer/humorist as you can see right on
Counter-strike is one large gangbang concentrating on my dead corpse
Crap taste in movies/musics
Unreliable and selfish family member/boyfriend
Key To Success is Racial Purity
Cannot hold a job
Drinks/Smokes too much
Not part of some lame "scene" or "zeitgeist"
Extremely self-involved obviously


Danzig is going on what might be his last tour ever. I must see this show it shall for Danzig is god.

For those who don't know who this great man is you shall not be spared in the next culling when I come to power.


Now to cut to the chase Danzig is possibly one of the most influential musicians of the past 25 years. He started off as vocalist for punk rock luminaries The Misfits and when they broke up he formed Goth Metal/Punk band called Samhain. To much sadness Danzig betrayed his loyal fans by signing to a record company that destroyed Samhain right when they were really making a good sound for themselves. A new group called Danzig was formed that pretty much whored off the success of The Misfits by just doing a bunch of old covers.

So in conclusion and to spite Syx you music snob Danzig > Anti-Flag

Remember Kids !.....................................


The Americans are assimilating another holiday

Cinco De Mayo is NOT The Fourth of July number 2.

It is May the Fifth.

I swear America is going to be the imperialistic monster of international holidays. It was first St. Patricks Day consuming the Irish THEN Oktoberfest from the Germans.

I wento to hammer down some Dos Equis at Don Pablos and hang out with the girlfriend because she was working on Thursday when I realized

"What are all these freaks doing in my watering hole ?"

Lo and behold I realized it was the anniversary of Puebla and all the annoying frat boys our out finding another reason to get blasted. (As if they need a reason too) Along with the usual balding old guy trying to pick up College Girls.

Out of nowhere I hear some annoying slut say "Woohoo Mexican Independence Day"

That is Sept. 16 you dip Cinco De Mayo commemerates the ultimately futile victory at The Battle of Puebla against the French.

At that point I was fighting the urge to bash her skull open on the floor but that would have been bad form in front of the GF and I didn't want to get on her nerves that week.

I think we should make a list of endangered holidays which are going to be consumed by America and be taken out of the traditional context and be replaced by drunken idiots.

Here we go:

Idul Adha
Coming-of-Age Day (Japan has the stupidest holidays)
Khao Phansa
Zafer Bayrami
Qing Ming Jie
Boxing Day
Flemish Community Day


I love you MarcusAntonious

The title says it all he is my favorite human being on the planet.

He is the God of my Idolatry.

We will get married in a nice Masschusetts Chapel and live out our lives happy and worry free.

/sigh oohhhh Marcus


Then we shal vacation on the beautiful Jersey Shore.

Just You, Me, and the Superfund sites.

BUT OH NO PLEASE DON'T TELL ME THAT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Marcus adheres towards Right wing Neoconservative politics while I am a radical leftist.




I was ID checked at a Bookstore

A Cop asked for my ID outside of a bookstore.

Unfriggin believable.

I hate Borders even more now.

On a trip to Borders Bookstore with my sister I dropped her off at the door while I found a place to park.

I saw her outside the door so I enquired about why she wasn't inside and she said the cop told her she couldn't go in so I thought what is this place getting robbed ?

So I walk in and sure enough a police officer stops me and asks for my age and ID.

(Which makes him one dumb Cop considering how many 6'8" 15 year olds are around)

I show him it and ask him what is up.

He says the new store policy is that on Friday and Saturday nights a person under 16 cannot enter without an adult guardian.

At this point I am wondering what could possibly be so offensive inside of the Borders. I mean psuedo-intellectuals should offend everyone but they are in Borders all the time. What is so special about Friday and Saturday nights ?

For that matter why is there an officer of the law at the door ?

Are they so cheap they cannot get a security guard ?

I mean with all the murders, rapes, and drug deals going on that night they had to put a cop at the entrance of a Borders to protect holier-than-thou faux intellectuals from adolescents.

I have become The Machine

Since I won my modship (Thank you good people at CS) I have been wondering.

Have I become The Machine ?

I have been righteously sticking it to The Machine ever since I popped out of my mother. Now I am a part of The Machine or on a new level of fighting it ?

Whatever Superfly is on and Youngblood Priest owns all.

My Grandmother is a racist nut

I was so excited about getting Starfox: Assault the continuation of possibly the best sci-fi series ever. Yet things took a
call from my mother informed me that I needed to pick my grandmother up from Bingo considering she missed the bus(again!)

Once picked up she immideately lit up her cigarette and in the 89 year old voice ground down by 60 years of Alchoholism and Smoking she asked me an odd questions.

"Scottie", she said

"Your in college. Right ?"

"Yup", I replied

"how many of those Hebrews are in your class ?", she asked.

"That isn't very nice Grandma"

"OH SHUTUP I AM 89 YEARS OLD I SHOULD BE ABLE TO SAY WHAT I WANT", Then proceeded to swear at me Portugese.

" Isn't your girlfriend one of those Hebrews ?", she yelled.

"Grandma don' t talk about Kelly that way"

"Why can't ya date a nice Catholic girl and not break my heart"

Luckily we got back to her building before the discussion got any more heated.

I think I am the only person to wish death on their grandparent.

Shadow o' Rome

Gaming wise I am stuck between a rock and a hard place (heh I said hard place).

I am trying to lessen time on WOW and break my MMO addiction in general. The only console game I have that isn't defeated is Shadow of Rome. This game has an interesting sequence to it like this:

Awesome hacknslash part with Agrippa -> Boring Octavianus stealth mission with unforgiving AI and awkward controls-> More Awesome Hacking and Gorey Slashing.

Guess it is back to giving my soul to Blizzard.


Church and State= Best Forum EVER

Good variety in the board genepool. Everything from well read Religious nuts, angry conservatives, moderate psuedo leftists, Pinko Socialist America Haters such as myself.