Recently I was reading a journal entry by a good friend of mine named CanadianNoob from Church and State. This article talked about how the GOP is controlled by reactionary and detrimental Social Conservatives and that the old fiscal Republican is becoming a thing of the past. This is a good observation from the right wing (especially Capitalist leaning) side on how the movement is rotting away from the inside.
I have seen the same thing happen to the left wing camp too. Ever since the 70's Leftism has been hijacked by radical sects trying to push their extreme agendas such as Feminism, Environmentalism, Anti-Semitism, Gun Control, and all the crazy forms of Afrocentrism, i.e. a whole lotta isms. Since when and more importantly WHY is the is trash tied in with good and intelligent Socialists/Social Democrats ?
This new breed of liberal yells and protests without really knowing what it is yelling about. They are pandered their beliefs by morons and corporate whores such as Rage Against the Machine or Noam Chomsky. These degenerates rant on about how "TeH Corporations!!!!!!!!!" are ruining their middle class honky lives and make the rest of us look like idiots.
Probably the biggest problem is the loss of populism within the Leftwing movement. It used to be about the common man getting screwed by the Fat Cats in the sake of profit and what can be done about it. Now it is an US v. THEM competition between smug sophmoric liberals and the rest of the world. This shouldn't be some holy crusade against anybody who votes Republican or has right wing leanings. This new type of liberal derides Republicans as "Rednecks" or "Gun Toting Facist hick"
Honestly, how do you expect to rally the common man to an intrinsicly populist cause when all you do is make fun of them and put them down. I do not see middle class/lower class Republicans as idiots or degenerates but people caught up in the hype of Republican chuck and jive politics. While many are going unemployed due to runaway globalist policies just so CEO's can make millions they pander a crock about "Gay Marriage" and "Abortion" and make it out like it is so much more important than those who are going out of work.
Now that my emotional rant is starting to run dry all I have to say is that this degenerate trend within leftism has to stop sometime soon or all will be lost. Fiscal Liberals of the world unite!
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