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Roasterbaby Blog

Wuz up yall I'm back

Yea I know I've been gone for a while but I'm back and got some things new for yall lol Photobucket

Yea I know just don't freak out on me lol hit me up if yall still here with me iight holla.

I'm back

yo wuz up everybody I know it's been a while be I'm back for a while I'm in college now and things for me changed a lil bit............this my right here  yes I'm doin my thing and u know I got to so holla at me luv ya.....

WoW it's been a while

Wuz up peoples it's been a while since I been here and man I got to step up on some stuff and yes yall Akuma is still my favorite character LOL :lol:

Oh my

YaY I touch her uterus :D...........................o no I broked it :o :cry:

Something New like Hiyono

If ya hear fo yall see I got King Kong in my trunkPhotobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Lol I love that song yall look at it I found out how to put my vids up now :D now everyone it in for it :lol:

Jamie Foxx

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Ok eveyone this is my sike but alot of people in my family say we look alike but I don't see it maybe we do.........nooooooo :cry: y I got to look famous I'm broke I can't act or sing

Ryu Hayabusa

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Well since u already know his name let's talk about him..................ok enough said u need to play the game to understand wut I want to say but many people are slow so it din't matter I like his ninja moves and how he dresses

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:D yall can't be like him..................:( wish I could o well can't though

Akuma 101

wuz up peoples I finally got this blog finish cause my internet windows been closing back to back half way through it but to get on topic akuma is my favorite character in all gamesI don't care wut I'm playing as long as I can get akuma. I feel that no one can beat akuma cause he's better than them all :D

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it's ok don't get mad cause he's better than Ryu just like Naurto better than Shakai (I hope I spell that right) lol well it don't matter akuma can beat all of them and can be prove (I hope cause I cant prove it :D)

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well it don't matter he still the best to me hope yall don't get mad...........I don't care I get akuma on u all ha ha ha ha :D and he defeat u all with the ragind demon.....I win :lol: :P

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