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Robert-Sapolski Blog

New York!

Just got back a few days ago and it was awesome. So awesome in fact I have decided to dedicate a blog post to it. Since I'm not going to bore about what I did and where I went, I'm instead going to bore with some of the stuff I ate and drank largely because I can't over here.


First up was the best cereal of all time Fruit Loops. For all those who don't know there Honey Loops except they taste like sugar covered fruit. Waking up to these every morning was definately a highlight.


Next up is Mountain Dew. Its basically Lemonade and the Citrus part of Citrus Coke mixed together. It was a very refreshing drink that I reccomend.


Izze was definately the best drink I had over there. I had a few different flavours and Pomegranate was definately the best. Its fruit juice and fizzy water, no chemicals or nothink. Yeah there really good.


And then there was Cream Soda. I was promised by an American that it was really good. I was disappointed as the drink was very meh. It had a really overpowering taste and just wasn't the refreshment I needed at that point in time.

Unfortunately I never got a picture of Vitamin Water but that drink is really cool. Water and healthy things that taste nice, a very good idea for Americans as some of them look like they are severely lacking. To be really honest I didn't see that many fat people around New York, I guess its because you have to walk everywhere so I'm sure Vitamin Water is used to its full advantage in other states.

So that concludes my drinking habits and stuff. I got my 18th Birthday present early because its way cheaper over there than where I live. So there:


Fender Telecaster Deluxe. Its amazing.

So yeah New York is great, I highly recommend it as a action packed holiday. Heres to rounding off my blog with a picture of me in a helicopter.


5 Things You Don't Know About Me

Well you might know some but here we go.

1. My favourite game of all time is Klonoa. Don't ask, just go play it.

2. I'm apparently good at Guitar Hero but I don't care anymore because I want Rock Band.

3. I'm going to Bimm next year and aim to have a career in music.

4. I'm a Marxist. Yep, my Sociology teacher said I'm one of the most Marxist students hes ever taught.

5. I have a ridiculous obsession with The O.C. I own every season and have watched each one at least twice.

Oh and my favourite album of all time is The Blue Album but anyone whos talked to me about Rock Band knows that.

I (L) Rez HD

I was excited a few months back when I heard that Rez was coming to XBLA in HD. I wasn't so much of a Rez fan but I had played it before at my cousins house years back. I remembered it as the game with the wtf vibrating brick. Now everything makes sense. If you haven't already go buy Rez now, for me its easily the best XBLA and a worthy contender of my favourite games of this generation.

Rez is just one of those games that makes you happy you play games. Nothing beats the craziness of Area 5 for the first time. What also keeps me coming back is the music, its so cool. I'll just play it to hear some of those songs again, especially FEAR by Adam Freeland. Beyond all this Ive completed it about 7 times now not counting the countless score attack attempts. I'm trying to unlock everything and get all the achievements. Ive got a few hard ones like get all the high scores in score attack but I'm not looking forward to 95% shot down in all areas.

A few days ago I got the play for 10 hours achievement. To me thats amazing that I can play an arcade gameI for 10 hours and not get bored. I didn't play Halo 3 for that long. Anyway, had to get that out there. Just download the demo or whatever, its an amazing experience you don't want to miss.

Me and the Lost game

Hey everyone, I'm slightly bored so a Blog post right now seems like the best thing to do. I feel like I haven't played any games in ages, I think the last game I bought was Mass Effect quite a while ago. I was thinking about getting Burnout but my moneys kind of tight at the moment but I might pick it up later. Strangely what I really have been looking forward to is the Lost game by Ubisoft.

I don't know how or why I just am. The weirdest part of this is that I actually know nothing about the game. The storys been kept very hush and the gameplay is apparenlty Puzzles and Adventure. Maybe it's because the TV show is about to start up again next week and Ive been really looking forward to that. It might just be that I'm intrigued to find out what the game really is and how it relates to Lost. Not 100% sure how throwing a new character into the previous seasons is going to work but it could be fun. I like how you get to see all the big things that happened in Lost from anoher perspective, that could be really interesting.

Maybe I'm looking forward to the reaction of the game, will it sell well? what will the reviews be like? will it only appeal to die hard Lost fans? The Lost license sounds hard to work with as the story is very complex and intricate. I also don't really know if anyone else is excited about this game. Still, I hope it turns out alright.


Stuff of the year!

OK everyone I'm back. Haven't really been around here for a while but I'm sure you all missed me loads. Been very busy and explanations for that are over at the RBU. Besides that I hope you all had a great Christmas and New Year. Heres too a wicked 2008.

In retrospective of 2007 I'm basically just gonna state some of my favourite things of the year.

Games of the Year -

1) Call of Duty 4

2) Portal

3) Crackdown (if Rock Band had come out over here that would be 1)

Album of the Year - Colors by Between The Buried and Me

Gig of the Year - Minus the Bear

TV of the Year - Heroes (Peter and Sylar battle, blate).

Film of the Year - No Country For Old Men

Oh SNAP! of the Year - Buddy Holly as DLC in Rock Band

Well that was 2007, GTA 4 soon!


That fateful day before Halo 3...

Today is the fateful few hours before we all get to play the biggest game in video gaming history. I have completed both 1 & 2 but never really got into it as much as others. I just thought "another FPS". Somehow, I'm actually quite excited now after having watched a 17 minute video review on IGN. It does look hella fun. The world as we know it will be changed forever, once the nice Play man brings me my game at 9am tomorrow. Can't wait now. Damn Microsoft.


So many of you know that Manhunt 2 has been banned in the UK. It's things like "casual sadism" that is gonna put this game on map. I'm kind of wondering why this game has been banned, is it really that worse than the first Manhunt? To be honest this has kind of gone and been blown out of proportion. Everyone is making such a huge fuss over this, it's really not worth it and I bet Rockstar are loving every minute of it. In the end the game has to get released in the UK sometime, Rockstar will appeal and all that jazz, even today my friend saw a box in Virgin saying pre order STRICTLY OVER 18'S ONLY. Why there is such a fuss, I'm not too sure. I could bet you that if this game was on 360 or PS3 then it would be worse with enhanced graphics and realism, so why ban the PS2? Why ban the game when its no worse than the first? These are questions that everyone is asking and everyone is going to buy the game and find out. It's gonna be known as "the game that got banned in the UK" basicly beating its predecessor in copies sold.

All of this has made me worry about the BBFC. Why do they allow films like Hostel, Saw, and The Hills Have Eyes at the cinema and not allow this game? For example I went to see Saw 3 at the cinema. Scenes included the woman wearing a shotgun necklace haveing her head blown to bits and saw himself having his skull sawn into. Not very nice. So if I see Bruce Willis shooting dudes in Die Hard how is it different to me pressing R1 to do it myself? Games dont make you into murderers. Ok i see that im going into something big here. New paragraph.

Games dont make you murderers! If anything films do, because they are easily more realistic, more acessible and less harshly rated. Hate to bring it up but a 2 teenage boys watched movies and decided to kill a young boy 15 years ago. 800,000 people bought manhunt. If the game made you go out and kill people our population may have slightly decreased. Someone might have noticed. The fact that this game got banned is ridiculous. If an 18 year old cant play this game then i dont know what is wrong with society. Maybe the BBFC are worried that this could fall into the hands of children, well then, dont ban the game, make sure it has huge stickers on it saying it shouldnt be given to children. Do something other than just banning, thats weak and petty. People that are mature enough to watch Saw 3 and other violent horror movies should be able to play this game. Also the Wii needs more mature games (and no we dont want a Scarface port). Maybe Manhunt is too extreme, i'm sure its not worse than the first, but im sure as hell gonna find out.


skate. Union

I recently started a union for skate. the awesome new skateboarding game from EA Black Box. I sent some messages out to people on my friends so if you could accept them it would be much appreciated. You don't have to stay in the union just until I have it set up . This is my first union so i don't really wan't it to go tragically wrong. Thanks for the help and support to those already joined and I hope it becomes a cool union for a great looking game.



If you like shooters and have a 360 join 5ilver5hadows Socom-360 shooters union! 'Tis wicked. 

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