Hey everyone, I'm slightly bored so a Blog post right now seems like the best thing to do. I feel like I haven't played any games in ages, I think the last game I bought was Mass Effect quite a while ago. I was thinking about getting Burnout but my moneys kind of tight at the moment but I might pick it up later. Strangely what I really have been looking forward to is the Lost game by Ubisoft.
I don't know how or why I just am. The weirdest part of this is that I actually know nothing about the game. The storys been kept very hush and the gameplay is apparenlty Puzzles and Adventure. Maybe it's because the TV show is about to start up again next week and Ive been really looking forward to that. It might just be that I'm intrigued to find out what the game really is and how it relates to Lost. Not 100% sure how throwing a new character into the previous seasons is going to work but it could be fun. I like how you get to see all the big things that happened in Lost from anoher perspective, that could be really interesting.
Maybe I'm looking forward to the reaction of the game, will it sell well? what will the reviews be like? will it only appeal to die hard Lost fans? The Lost license sounds hard to work with as the story is very complex and intricate. I also don't really know if anyone else is excited about this game. Still, I hope it turns out alright.