7:00 AM, a brisk Sunday morning outside of Costco; this is where I found myself sitting in an orange folding chair, and wearing aviators to mask my weary eyes. I was in a line behind nineteen other individuals all waiting for the same thing, a Nintendo Wii. The store had confirmed at least 24, with a possibility of 48 so I was guaranteed a package containing the Wii, Zelda, and Excitetruck for a reasonable price. What I didn't realize was that I had apparently outgrown the convictions that had previously led me to wait in similar situations. I had another 3 hours to go until the store opened, and I just stared at the throng of children and adults alike all playing on their DS Lites while I listened to Thrice on my Ipod. It was at this moment that I realized I would be much happier in my warm bed sleeping until the early afternoon on this Lazy Sunday, than waiting in line and going back to my house only to shatter the eerie silence with tingy twangs and beeps from my Wiimote.
I stood up, and in a swift motion collapsed my orange chair. Walking away, I felt brief remorse but only for a split second. This was immediately forgotten as soon as I was home and safely under my sheets. I know I'll buy a Wii, but it will be a casual affair that will likely take place on my way home from work on a whim, and me stumbling across a retail case brimmed with available consoles to purchase.
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