Fallout 3-Xbox 360. The textures are sharper, there's less pixelation in the distance. I think the shadows are superior. Soul Calibur- PS3. I think this one is a matter of preference. The textures are more or less the same. I think the 360 does a better job of blending shadows than the PS3, but I'm a sucker for this PS3's dark shadows in this instance. Dead Space- Xbox 360. I like the dark shadowing in the PS3 version, but at the same time like the brighter lightning in the Xbox version. But look at the left side of the 3rd and 4th pictures for the PS3. The transitioning from darker to lighter shadows is horrible. Force Unleashed- Thought this was a tie until I looked at the ground/floor textures. Slight edge to 360. COD 5- Xbox 360. Very close one, I like the PS3's dark shadows yet again. But in pics 1 and 2 the detail with regards to bullets/tracers/splashes in the background looks far better on the Xbox imo. Madden- The closest of all the comparisons if you ask me. I think the 360 blends the player lightning with the environment the best. I think it does crowds marginally better. I like the PS3's sky lighting in pic 3. So close it's really all negligible. Mortal Kombat- Pretty close. I think the Xbox 360 has marginally better textures/character models (can't really tell except in the last two close ups), and I prefer the lightning.
Robertoey's comments