Quote: and what the hell?! a good OS shouldn't require YOU to upgrade your computer! it should be flexible enough to run on a wide variety of comps! it's just absurd that people are writing in the same sentence:"Vista is a GREAT OS, but only if u have 1 gb ram and a good processor, oh and vista's UAC is annoying, oh and that, and that..." Alright dude, a great OS takes advantage of the times. Are you that damn cheap that you can't get 1 gig of ram?? RAM is so rediculously cheap that if you can't get 1 gig of ram...then you really shouldn't be on a computer. http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16820134216 You honestly can't spend 10 bucks on a gig of ram?? 20 bucks for two gigs? 40 bucks for 4 gigs? How about not going to Chilis for one night and getting yourself some RAM. If an OS kept itself the same to run on older systems, then it wouldn't get any better. How about stop being cheap and get with the times. That's just like saying a good game should be able to play on older systems. That's absurd... If we have things like PS3s then were going to make games that work on PS3's, not PS1s.
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