Rock_Roberts Blog
Single Player Vs. Multi Player
by Rock_Roberts on Comments
by Rock_Roberts on Comments
Back Again!
by Rock_Roberts on Comments
Ahh, I'm back again after being gone for soooo long. Not only that, but I have a few new games to talk about.
Where do I go to first...Ah...I beat FF10 (I know, about damn time). I really didn't like it at first, the whole reason why I put it down, but once I was able to get into it...I really liked it! Yeah, I think the ending wasn't all that great, but hey, it was nice.
Next is FF11 for the 360. I played this game after bing hooked to WoW...and it is completely different. I really didn't care to much for it and I could list all the reasons here, but to each their own...
Ah, FF10-2. Got about halfway through the game, killed it. Did not care for it at all. What ever happen to games like FF7, FF8, and FF9? Those where the good ol
And the last of my FF games, FF12. I loved this game! It was FF11 with FF9, everything was perfectly rolled up into one package! Just too bad that I lost it, FF10, FF10-2, GH3, GH4, BDZ, my memory card, my PS, Kill Bill Vol 1 & 2, all 4 Saw movies, Office Space, and some other DVDs when I pawned them all and forgot to pay on it...Sucks!
Next is LO for X Box 360. This is really my second RPG on the 360 (my first one was Enchanted Arms, which is cool once you get past the first 3 hours of it). I havn't beat the game yet, but it took me a while to get into. After I got into it, I couldn't stop playing...really worth the pickup if you got the $26 to shell out for it.
Now for a game that I played for 5 minutes, and then turned it off and never cut it back on...Perfect Dark Zero! I couldn't get into it, I hated everything about it, and it just couldn't keep me from jumping off the roof. I put it down and never picked it back up...there was $7 wasted.
One of the best games I have ever played...SF4! It was great, and I still play it! Everything that needed to stay was there and the fact that you had the challenges really brought it out. Good Job!
I have more, but that will be for a later time.
The end to "Part II"?
by Rock_Roberts on Comments
After playing and beating Halo 3 over the weekend, I thought to myself, "Is this the end of all part two games?" I mean, when you look at what is going on, really with M$ over there, why make another game and sell it when you can just make an expansion? Look at ES4. Sure, Morrowind had expansions and things like that, but what's the point on making another title when you can just add on to what you have?
Besides ES4, WoW is a prime example of this. How many expansion are being planned on coming out?Why spend so much time making a whole nothing game when you can spend half the time making an expansion, and then selling it for 20-30 dollars a pop? Smart on programers, dumb on us I feel like.
But in the end, we are the ones who are asking for more things, faster, sooner, and you better fix the bugs to...So, we are bringing this onto ourselfs, and it will bring the end of the Halo 2's and 3's, and the Call Of Duty's. Sure, we all love to see where the next game is going to lead us, but at the same time, it's also like "Let's just make some more maps and better weponds for them, that'll shut them up and give us a pretty new coin as well", and we as human's and gamers alike are eating it up!
It all falls back to "We want it NOW!" and I don't blame us. With release date's being push back months, and bugs STILL coming out with the games, we want a fix to it and we want something in return for telling them about the bugs. But while we are getting all this cool new stuff, have any of us thought about the next installment of the game? Nope, not really.
So with that all being said, good bye to everything that makes the next game better, and hello rod with no K.Y....
Just pissed off!
by Rock_Roberts on Comments
I was on another website and there was a post about some american soldiers. Now, with me being one, I wanted to see what it was about. It was about the video about the soldier who tossed a poor, helpless dog over a cliff. I never saw the video, even though I knew it was out there. But I watched it anyways, and it just pissed me off and ruinned my whole damn day.
Now, I'm in the Army National Guard, and **** like that makes the rest of us look bad. I don't mean to cuss, but it just pisses me off! There is no reason what so ever to do that. If you have saw the video, you know what I mean. If you haven't, don't waste your time. It's just a ****ty thing to do in my view.
I know how hard it is over there and to keep going day-to-day, but man, there are pleanty of other things to do that would keep your mind off of things for just a while besides that. Pick up a deck of cards, a book, hell, pick up a mag of FOX or Cherry for crying out loud and get the damn lotion!
And what was worst about this is, they where all laughing and joking about it the whole damn time...
Just pisses me off is all!
Without Live, does he 360 still have any life?
by Rock_Roberts on Comments
As I sit at my house, I think about how great it would be to have XBL again. I had to get rid of it because of bills. On top of that, my main gamertag has been suppended until I pay MS 30 dollars (tightwods!).
But my main thing is this, I was thinking, would the 360 be as good as it is now without XBL? I mean, everything that you need is on XBL: updates, games, profiles, friends, everything. So, with that said, beside games like Halo 3 and GOW and Mass Effect, is there any reason to get a 360 over a PS3?
Many of the games now a days are coming out for both systems, and I really just don't see a reason to get a 360 besides those few games. In fact, it's turning into what type of player you are. If you are more of an active player, and some one who isn't scared to get up from the chair, then the Wii would be for you, that is if you are a famliy man as well. If you are into RPG's, I would have to say that goes to the PS3 fanboys. And last, if you love FPS, and arcade hits, then the 360 is right for you. But what makes the 360 the system of choice for me is all the stuff you can download to make the 360 YOUR game system.
Now, I am all about making something mine and leaving my mark. Infact, I don't even have the XP theme on my computer at home, I have a custom made one. And with the 360, I love being able to change my background, my guide, and just my system as a whole. And with XBL, I'm able to do that. XBL has to be the best thing for MS right now, seeing how they are tieing all their products together under the "Live" name.
But in my own mine, without the Live on Xbox, the 360 would kinda be a paperweight.
Greatness out!
My Smackdown! Vs Raw 08 Review...
by Rock_Roberts on Comments
You take complete control of your wrestler in 24/7 mode.
ECW is in the game, who can whine about that?
ECW Extreme Rules match, great idea.
HOF mode really does the trick.
Great idea, don't give me my intro video or pyro until I reach a certin rank.
Storyline is the same on both brands for 24/7 mode.
You can't join ECW in 24/7.
You are pretty much fighting the same people through the year.
360- What happen to playing our own music?
Outdated roster.
That's just some of the good and bad that I found in this game. I mean, this game was billed as the best so far, and I think it fell short of that glory. Remeber the old Smackdown! games where you went backstage and fought it out? What ever happen with that? And what ever happen walking around before you match and talking to superstars? Combine all of this, and have your own stable in the 24/7 mode and you would have a great game.
CSI- Hard Evidence
by Rock_Roberts on Comments
My wife and I are huge CSI fans, and we played the first CSI on the OXB, and when we heard about the new CSI game, I was wanted to play it. But I was kinda worried about buying the game. With so many games starting to become a fast game to beat, I didn't want to go out and fork out 60 bucks for a game that I can beat in a week. So, after talking it over with my wife, we went out and rented it, and I am glad we did!
The game is five different cases, which are all good in my eyes (my wife didn't like the last one). They all played pretty well and where just like the last game. Each case took about two hours to do, sometimes three or four if you went back to get everything. You really don't have to be a CSI to play the game, everything pretty much tells you want to do with it. Sometimes you are looking around looking for the next thing to do, but pretty much it's fast pace.
There are some unlockables in the game as well as somewhat a mini-game. You are partnered up with the CSI gang and you go out and solve the cases. You start off meeting with your partner and then going to the scene of the crime. From then on out, you put two and two together and go from there.
Over all, I'm glad that I rented it, I wouldn't buy the game by no means, it's not worth ther 60 dollar price tag that's on it. Great to rent, that's it.
Gears Of War...Finished!
by Rock_Roberts on Comments
Ah, after months of taking time off from GOW, I started playing and finished the game. I really was into the hype for the game at first, but then when I started to play it, I hated it. I was thinking that I was getting into a FPS, but it was more TPS then anything else. But over all I enjoyed the end of it.
I'm not going to ruin the ending for those of you who have yet to play it, or beat it yet. I am, however, will be talking about my fav parts of the game. The game in whole starts off really slow in my mind, but it picks up fast. With action around every corner and graphics to back it up, plus the storyline, it's no wonder why it was given all those awards.
I could have went with a better ending then what I got, but it really made you want to play GOW2, kinda like Halo 2 did with Halo 3. I could have kicked myself for not beating it sooner, or staying on it.
Over all it was a great game with a great story to it, and the graphics didn't hurt either, lol. Thanks EPIC and MSGS for a great game.
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