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Lovin' My 360/Four Games Beaten Already!

Hey guys. I reached level 30 on GameSpot today. But I'm actually here to talk about my 360, as you've probably guessed from the blog title. Ever since I've gotten my 360, it's all I've been playing since then. Heck, I've already beaten 4 games and gotten 1010 gamerscore to prove it. Granted, I've had this entire week off, which is basically perfect timing for me to get my 360, so I've really been enjoying it.

Halo 3
Yeah so this is the first game I popped into my 360 once I got everything set up, and let me tell you (as if you didn't know already), this is awesome. Absolutely phenomenal. I beat the campaign on Saturday within 24 hours of me starting it on Friday, and it was a blast. It's definitely a fitting end to the Halo Trilogy, although the ending is a bit confusing, but once you get it, you'll just be awestruck. And then the multiplayer is really fun too; I've been playing a good bit with Frankthelizard and Ish, and my friend from school, so I've had a lot of fun with it so far.

Gears of War
After I beat Halo 3 and played the multiplayer some, I started Gears of War on Saturday night and beat Act 1. Then, on Sunday, I beat Acts 2 and 3 by myself, and got through Acts 4 and 5 on Co-op with my friend from school that night. I haven't gotten to play any of the multiplayer modes yet (besides co-op, of course), but I plan on doing some of that in the near future after I've played a good bit of the rest of my 360 games. Anyway, I can definitely see why everyone loves this game so much. All of the action is intense, it's got spectacular graphics, cool sounds, and an amazing storyline. Now, after viewing the Gears of War 2 teaser trailer on Xbox Live (like the rest of the Xbox Live/GameSpot community), I'm pretty pumped for the sequel to come out, cause like I said, I really enjoyed this game.

Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter
On Sunday night, I started this game up and beat the first level or so. Then, I spent what time I could on Monday getting a lot of progress done, and then I beat the last 3 missions on Tuesday morning. I have to say, for an early 360 title, I'm definitely impressed. I've always been a fan of the Ghost Recon franchise, and I was just blown away by the graphics, gameplay, and storyline of this game. The tactical nature of the gameplay forces you to utilize cover whenever possible and position your squadmates carefully. In this sense, it's very realistic, and that was just playing on the normal difficulty. As a direct result of this, I found myself getting killed frequently and having to tactically assess the situation and approach it from a more realistic standpoint instead of just charging in like Rambo. Anyway, definitely pick this game up if you haven't already; it's only like $20 I think, and it's well worth it if you're into tactical shooters.

Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter 2
On Tuesday, after I beat GRAW, since I just loved the game so much, I went out and bought this for $30 at Best Buy. I played it some that night, and got about a third of the way through the game, and then I spent a decent amount of time today playing it, and I just beat it tonight. It's pretty solid; I gave it the same score that I gave GRAW. It's basically the same game, but a continuation of the storyline, a couple new guns, the addition of a designated Combat Medic in your squad, and an updated Cross-Com system, which works pretty well actually. Other than that, like I said, it's basically the same game, but only about 3/4 as long as the first one. The ending is pretty decent, but it's sortof unclear at first, like the Halo 3 ending, except a sequel is still possible. Overall, though, it's a great sequel and you should definitely pick it up if you were a fan of the first GRAW.

Okay guys, that's it! I'm off to go start Rainbow Six Vegas!