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Rockhopper_45 Blog

The Top 10 games that never gets old: #9

This game is a curious one even though you have beaten the game multiple times and you know what will happen next it still makes you last. This game may have happened quite along time ago or atleast in video game standards it still has an impact on the way I judge other RPG's. I have never quite played a game like it and even today it stirs memories that few games ever had. The number 9 game that never gets old is...

[spoiler] Paper Maro: N64 [/spoiler]

The Top 10 games that never get old: # 10

Well to start things off I am going to go with a sports game it is easy to pick up and play without ever reading the manual. The music is fun and light and that alone will get you out of the dumps. But the courses are stunning to look at especially for a N64 game even though its not the best looking game out there every course fits its theme to a T. the game play is addicting form the getgo but even though its easy to play it is hard to master the number 10 game that never gets old is...

[spoiler] Mario Tennis [/spoiler]

Top 10 game that never get old.

This will be a list of games that I always find myself coming back too. Whenever I am bored, angry, sad, or any other emotions. Just so you know only 2 puzzle games made the cut. Also all of these are nintendo games dating back to the N64. the first console i owned. The reason these are nintendo games is because I buy nintendo products and my bro buys xbox and sony products and I spend the most time with my Nintendo games. So starting today number 10.

I apoligize been really busy

Well I haven't been so active as of recently. I just got back from vaction in North Carolina where my mom and I white water rafted for the first time with a bunch of friends and had a blast. School let out about a week ago. I am now going to be a freshman and made one of the hardest classes to get into. For awards I recieved all A's all year and all A's all three years of middle school. Also i recieved the social studies award. So I hope to become more active but this is going to end up being one hell of a summer.


Can someone explain what tagging is please I see this on people's blogs and I get all confused.

Brawl Character Review: Mario


Good: +1 for being good all-around character.

Bad: -1 not as much power as I would like to see but everything he has is even

Score: 10/20

For the mainers: You can main him and another character eaisly at the same time. He is especially good to have if you main a slow character he can even out your team if you play a pesky fox user.

P.S.: After one angry reader's comment I want to say that this is MY opinion. No one character is bad it is just that some are more suited to different people. Keep that in mind as you read the rest of the reviews.

Why I wasn't on.

Hi my internet and phone lines were cut when someone stole 50 feet of copper wire. they are now on and I am home from my dog show.

Brawl Character Review: King Dedede

Here is how these reviews are going to work every charcter will start with 10/20 they will earn or lose points from this total. Also please don't look at 10/20 as bad look at it as in the middle not bad and not good.


Good: +1 for speedy attacks for a heavy character.

+1 for scoring multiple hits with his attacks.

Bad: -2 for bad power to weight ratio he is slow and weak

-1 horrible final smash that is easily avoidable.

-1 slow up b unlike bowser.

Total: 8/20.

Advice for mainers: DON"T if you are going to main a slow charcater i advise Bowser whos power and weight even each other out.