Last blog didn't turn out as well as I wanted it to so instead I will go to the word. Rightfully the word today is E3. E3 might have been smaller this year but the announcements were bigger. There was some talk about the phantom hourglass and the DS but all eyes where on the wii at the nintendo press conference. For all that didn't see it this is what happened. I will save the best for last. The announcement of the game wiifit. This game will use something called the balance board instead of a wii remote. With this revealed nintendo failed to reveal a price or date. This was not the question in everyone's mind. The real question is does it help us lose weight. Than we knew it was coming but it still shocked us. The revealing of Mario Cart Wii. That is right everyone Mario Cart Wii. With this in mind when it is released NEXT YEAR it will be bundled with a steering wheel. Than there is the Wii Zapper (seriously that is what it is called) it is some kind of Gun thing that i was ignoring because of these two major announcements. Just to torture everyone these two games will be released this year within a month of each other. One in November and one in December. The first game is Super Mario Galaxay!!!!!!!! It will be released November 12!!!!!!!! Than (ehhh this is my favorite part) on De.......cember.....3. The game that will be released is....Super.......smash.......brothers........BRAWL!!!!!!!!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. I am so excited. This is so exciting!!
And with that it concludes today's Word