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#1 RockyBatboa
Member since 2011 • 25 Posts
Yeah, I just wanted to be clear that I wasnt downing anyone for playing or liking the game. I grew up in playing the original Nintendo/SuperNintendo, with Mario, and Mega Man, Zelda, and stuff like that. I noticed after I stopped playing video games in the late nineties, it was after that that stuff like Resident Evil, Assassins' Creed, and GTA starting comming out... First thing noticeable was that the level of graphical design was incredible, and the games really exuded a real-world aesthetic, but since those types of games werent available when I was still a gamer, I didnt really know too much about them. And the commercial or ads in magazines for those games did not excite me enough to start playing video games again. I still remember when the first Resident Evil came out. It came out after I'd already stopped playing video games, and it was all the rage , not really for kids, but for teens and young adults, maybe say, 13-35, or something. And there was a few times where I friend would be like you have to play this, and I'd play it , and was like, this is pointless.........I mean, at first the graphics were stunning, but the gameplay and fun factor seemed very low to me, like, "Ok, walk into another room , which looks exactly like the room you just walked out of, shoot these zombies that look exactly llike the zombies you just shot in the last room, lather, rinse repeat." It just came across as very reduntant to me. So, I guess I was asking a fan of GTA to kind of express the positive points of the ds game (in terms of game control, graphics, challenge level, fun factor, ect, so I'd have a better understanding if this game would be for me or not. That's all I was getting at.....
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#2 RockyBatboa
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yeah, no doubt. I noticed the last time I went to Gamestop, the Game Boy Advancce Pokemon Red game was priced at like 35 or 40 bucks, and it didnt have the box or nothing, just the game by itself. I do have a little bit of interest in getting some GBA games, particularly SuperMario Advance World, and Super Mario Advancce SM3, as well as Metroid Fusion, and the Castlevanias, maybe, but I have no interest in a GBA Pokemon. Back to HG/SS for the DS, i am interested, but I have to ask honestly, what's the Pokemon deal about. I used to watch the cartoon when i was younger, and the best part of it to me were Jessee and James, such utter fail bad guys. kinda funny. but as for the games, are they just unrelentless grinding, collecting pokemon animals, or what..... It's probably going to come down to either animal crossing wild world, or pokemon black....hmm.
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#3 RockyBatboa
Member since 2011 • 25 Posts
detroit222- Thanks for the welcome, sir. And for the advice about assistance w/games through the message board forums. They may prove to come in handy. But, like I said, the games I've played, I've beat. I wouldnt call myself a "hardcore gamer", but some people have said I am since I got back into video-gaming with the DS. As for Rune Factory, I actually havent played that game yet. Like I said, I bought a lot of games at one time, so some I havent got too yet. I just really liked what I read about the game in reviews and stuff, that even though I have 2 and 3 on my to-get list, I still havent played 1 yet. (weird, I know) As for DragonQuest 9, that's one of the games I put a minus for in my original post. I liked Dragon Quest 5 a lot more. I know the graphics and extensiveness of play aspects are superior in DQ 9, but, for me, and this is my own personal opinion, I really didnt like the storyline in DQ felt creepy, and wrong on some level. Sure, the battle animations were fun and stuff, and the individual story vignettes were sometimes humorous or sad(my personal favorite being the girl whoose doll was her "one true friend"), but the main character that the gamer plays as and the main storyline were upsetting to my core beliefs, so I didnt have an overall favorable response to that game......and really, it's upsetting to me, because the DQ games are fun games. Many of them have important messages about giving it you best, most honest shot, or family, or the importance of not becomming vain or being selfish, so I really dont understand why Square Enix game designers seem to decide it's neccessary for them to insert such.....I dont know....hatred or disbelief in God in their DQ games....they dont need these elements to make entertaining games, and really, the games are much better off without those elements... Oh, and I love your Henry David Thoureau quote, too. Recently got the chance to re-read up on him in college USHistory course, and of the early mid 1800 American authors and philosophers, he was definitely my favorite. And it's so true, it's much better living when people keep hope, passinon, love and enthusiasm in their lives. Layton's Cat-- thanks for the welcome, and yes I've had some fun with my DS, and it'd be cool if that lasts a while. The 3DS does excite me, but I have to admit, when it was first announce, I did think it was a tad too soon into the original DS's lifespan for a next gen to take it's place. However, in all honesty, it was the lineup of games that really sparked my interest, not so much the 3d quality...i mean, NEW Mario games (2d sidescrollers and 3d like Mario Sunshine), Contra, Ninja Gaiden, Kid Icarus, Metal Gear Solid, ect.
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#4 RockyBatboa
Member since 2011 • 25 Posts
PL:Unwound Future definitely got my attention- 18 bucks new?! It sells for 25 used at Gamestop, so that's definitely interesting. Pokemon:HG/SS is somewhat enticing at 20 bucks new, since , again, Gamestop sells it at like 35 bucks used., but Pokemon is not as appealing to me as the Layton series. Actually, I've never played a Pokemon game before, and I mean, never, for ANY video game system, but I have thought about it recently, and wanted to give one of the games a try....consequently, I recently found out Black/White is slated for March, and figured I'd just wait for that. ....still, the 20 bucks HG/SS does have a nice ring to it....
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#5 RockyBatboa
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Oh jeez, if your hearts set on it, just save a few thousand dollars, and bookmark a trip to Amsterdamn for next summer, then blow all the smoke you want, right? Why, exactly, do you need a sweepstakes vacation to reach smokers paradise, amsterdamn?
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#6 RockyBatboa
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...but, if you're heart is set on a Final Fantasy game, I think these may be your two best options: 1.) 4 Heroes of Light--especially if you're looking to save a few bucks, b/c at Gamestop the normal price was 35 bucks american, but they had a special and knocked it down to 20 bucks...I dont know if that sale is going on still, but it was when I bought it. Also, since you want a FF game that isnt too tough, this might be your best bet, as most reviewers have stated that it's not too heavy in the challenge dept. 2.) FF 4 -- probably the all-around best FF game on the DS, and also a budget buy, going at Gamestop for 13 bucks used.
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#7 RockyBatboa
Member since 2011 • 25 Posts
wait a sec, I thought the last Layton game was Unwound Future...? Is this a new game. I live in the states, so was this a UK release , or something?
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#8 RockyBatboa
Member since 2011 • 25 Posts
wait, wait, wait, wait! They made a Buffy the Vampire Slayer nintendo Ds game?? When did it come out? Is it an action game, RPG, sidescroller, or what? I havent heard of it or seen it mentioned on any of the video game sites? Is is a recent release, cause I havent seen it at Gamestop either! Is it any good, cause if it is , I'd be interested in getting hold of a copy.
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#9 RockyBatboa
Member since 2011 • 25 Posts

I'm almost 13 hours into the game and I am at level 14. I've been reunited with Maria at the Chapel and she is supposed to help me with getting into the ancient place. Everytime I get there I keep dying on the first or second floor. Heck sometimes I die on the way there. I've leveled upa couple levels since getting Maria but it doesn't seem to do any good. Playing this game just seems like one long grind. Going to the haunted house was a toughy too. I've never played a DQ game before, and although the story seems good, the continuous dyingis a turn off, and I like JRPG's. Any tips from those who have played DQ V?

I may be able to help you here as I beat the entire game. However, you may not like the advice, as it includes something you complained a tad about in your post. There's two options really. 1.) Make sure both yourself and Harry are equipped with the most powereful items. You should have either an edged boomerang or iron sword, as well as all iron armor, and Harry should be equipted either with the iron sickle or iron sword , and iron armor. Of course, if you dont have enough money, you will have to do some additional grinding. 2.) More grinding, to level up. Honestly, Level 14 is just not enough to successfully traverse the tower in which you locate Ras Mirror, and if by some unnatural chance you manage to do so at that level, it's not near enough at all possible to defeat the fake Queen Dowager, which is your next, almost immeditate mission. I would suggest at least level 20, and Harry about 15 should do the trick. That being said, Dragon Quest 5 was a bit more tough than the DS remake of DQ 4:Chapters of the Chosen, and the haunted mansion at the beginning w/ Bianca could be a pain in the butt, especially at your first play-through, but it IS doable. The story in Hand of the Heavenly Bride is the best part of the game, along missions and settings that take place half-way through the game(about the 25-35 hour period of time.) are the best part of the game, so if you're not absoulutely hating the sometime irritating level-grinding, you may want to stick with it. Honestly, the worst part of the game were , for me, the occultic refrences, and sometimes crude sense of mockery of God, which I did my best to ignore.
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#10 RockyBatboa
Member since 2011 • 25 Posts
I was interested in picking this up, but kinda changed my mind.............since I never played a GTA title before. To be honest, the whole be a drug dealer/car stealer never really appealed to me....what's so awesome about that , anyway? So, I caught some reviews for the game on DS, and they were almost all really positive, so I started to wonder: is it the game control? the visual graphics? the storyline? So, after having these questions, I actually went into more depth into quite a few of the reviews , and most were like, "There's quite a few control issues, the graphics arent that good, and the storyline could definitely have used more work.....but BEYOND that, the game is FANTASTIC!" And, I'm like, UHhhhhh....? So, what exactly makes this game so appealing? Seriously? Could someone explain it to me? I'm no prude, but I dont need to pretend to be a drug-dealer to get some kicks, if that's what it's all about....
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