RockyBatboa's forum posts
I may be able to help you here as I beat the entire game. However, you may not like the advice, as it includes something you complained a tad about in your post. There's two options really. 1.) Make sure both yourself and Harry are equipped with the most powereful items. You should have either an edged boomerang or iron sword, as well as all iron armor, and Harry should be equipted either with the iron sickle or iron sword , and iron armor. Of course, if you dont have enough money, you will have to do some additional grinding. 2.) More grinding, to level up. Honestly, Level 14 is just not enough to successfully traverse the tower in which you locate Ras Mirror, and if by some unnatural chance you manage to do so at that level, it's not near enough at all possible to defeat the fake Queen Dowager, which is your next, almost immeditate mission. I would suggest at least level 20, and Harry about 15 should do the trick. That being said, Dragon Quest 5 was a bit more tough than the DS remake of DQ 4:Chapters of the Chosen, and the haunted mansion at the beginning w/ Bianca could be a pain in the butt, especially at your first play-through, but it IS doable. The story in Hand of the Heavenly Bride is the best part of the game, along missions and settings that take place half-way through the game(about the 25-35 hour period of time.) are the best part of the game, so if you're not absoulutely hating the sometime irritating level-grinding, you may want to stick with it. Honestly, the worst part of the game were , for me, the occultic refrences, and sometimes crude sense of mockery of God, which I did my best to ignore.I'm almost 13 hours into the game and I am at level 14. I've been reunited with Maria at the Chapel and she is supposed to help me with getting into the ancient place. Everytime I get there I keep dying on the first or second floor. Heck sometimes I die on the way there. I've leveled upa couple levels since getting Maria but it doesn't seem to do any good. Playing this game just seems like one long grind. Going to the haunted house was a toughy too. I've never played a DQ game before, and although the story seems good, the continuous dyingis a turn off, and I like JRPG's. Any tips from those who have played DQ V?
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