As most of us know Australian or not, that the video game developing and the selling of video games is one of the highest money making bussineses. The videogames industry is almost 40 years old. Since then a wide array of video games have been released either good or bad. In my view, the 90s is the best decade in gaming ever. With game releases like Tekken, Starcraft and Warcraft. Those 3 game are a selection of some games that are still popular in todays gaming society. Remember back in the days when good games were made. Gaming Consoles only played games, no Dvds no Internet browsing. It was simple we never needed these things. Today consoles are around the $400 to $600 range which comes with a wide array of **** we dont need or want to use. It make todays industry look as though they only care about the money not the fans or the games. For example Infinity Ward. Backing down on us PC gamers like a lost dog. Todays gaming industry is more for the dumb casual/noob gamer. Everything is to easy, Call of Duty, Mario, World of Warcraft and Halo. They have all focused on 1 thing which catches the casual gamers eye. GRAPHICS. All i have to say is that i dont give a dam about graphics i wanna play a hard and long game. Not a repetitive peice of Call of Duty crap and not a peice of repetitive story line crap of example: i have lost count of how many times i have saved that gullable princess and fighting a fat dragon at the end. Every industry is just focusing on the consoles cause they are cheaper for casual gaming. I can admit that consoles make more money game wise. Cause casual think they gotta pay $2000 for a slightly decent computer to run todays games. I can count how much console ports i own on pc. Some of them being:Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2, Resident Evil 4, NBA 2K10, Bioshock, Boarderlands. I am sick of it, in years time (and i hate to say this) pc gaming is gonna die out. We are so lucky to have faithfull developing companys like Blizzard and THQ. Remember back when everything was easy. PS1 was out, nintendo made good consoles and the most popular pc games were released. A new year is coming, this could mean a bad year. Due to 2009 being the worst year of pc gaming ever. I hope this information has hit you in a way that you would never experience. Have a happy new year folks!
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