Its gonna be great, especially with the next generation consoles. Im interested to see if theres gonna be any info about the Nintendo Controller rumor. There are so many rumors surrounding the revolutions controller. The touch screen, no buttons and many mre rumors are popping up. I wouldnt be surprised if it turns out to just be a normal controller. There taking to much of a risk by useing the (no buttins interface). Because if it fails say goodbye to the revolution. No one will want to buy a console with a screwed up controller.
Im also interested in the lineup for the next generation consoles, I cant wait for all the new games to be officially announced. I hope they announce a GTA for the PS3... that would be the ultimate E3 present for PS3 fans. The xbox 2 still has the upperhand and doesnt seem to be slipping. There still at the top of most peoples list for the console that will sell the best and that will have better graphics and games. Lets see whats what? and who's who? at E3 this year.
Im hopeing E3 can clear up all these rumors and mockups and all thei BS! thats been coming up. There are so many rumors and negative things im hearing about next generation consoles. And nothing is being cleared up.
I feel like Nintendo and Sony are hanging us out to dry. Like they think that they dont have to tell us anything, when they do. At least microsoft had a full presentation that lasted almost a hour at GDC and some other coo; little things.
Nintendo is not impressing me and neither is Sony. Nintendo will most likely remain in 3rd place in the console wars for the 2nd staight time. There just not bringing it! meaning there not giving us anything that would sway us away from the other 2 consoles. Even Nintendo themselves said that they dont feel they will do very well... Now if your gonna think that way then dont even make a console at all.
Thats the end of my rant.