The Nintendo Revolution has gotten the least coverage out of the 3 next generation consoles. But recently several rumors and new information has come up about The Revolutions controller. I will try to clarify and clear up some of the rumors and information has suddenlty popped up.
Recently several rumors seem to have popped out of the clear blue sky, these rumors include that the Revolution controller will not feature the classic D-Pad nor the A, and B buttons... some rumors have even gone as far as stateing that the Revolution controller will have a flip screen on it. Allowing for you to see whats on the TV screen on the little screen on the Controller. I have also stumbled upon rumors that the Revolution will feature an amazing new feature in there controllers that seems way beyond its years. Apparently the controller will also use gyroscopic tilt sensors which will allow actually movement of the controller without the player moving the controller themselves. Take for example, if your playing a racing game and you go to make a hard turn the controller will turn the way your turning on its own to help you make the turn better.
Even cooler and odder than the gyroscopic tilt sensors, are the fact that the Revolution controller may also come with touch sensitive grips that you rub. Another rumor related to the touch sensitive grips is the fact that the controller may also come with a A haptic glove, which allows you to move your hand in 3 dimensions and open and close your fingers to pick up virtual items on the screen, or even go as far as manipulating the items in anyway you want. It appears as though the Revolution Controller is getting more coverage than the console itself, Which isnt neccesarily a bad thing. Several of the rumors can be found in the Japanese Business Magazine Shuukan Diamond. Shuukan Diamond has a long streak of very accurate reporting. So I wouldnt be surprised if most of these rumors are infact true.
Nintendo will debut GameCube's successor at the Electronic Entertainment Expo (E3) in Los Angeles, May 2005. So look for more information regarding these rumors from me. Hopefully I will have some answers to these rumors.
By: Roger327 (Assistant Editor at NGN)