Definitely going to pick up Sins of a Solar Empire and Company of Heroes after hearing all the recommendations. Wish I had picked up CoH when it was on sale, maybe it will go on sale again on Steam soon. Might look into World in Conflict, it seems pretty unconventional but it does look fun. This free weekend on Steam for Retribution has really got people playing it recently so that has been fun. It's a shame so many good RTS games fall victim to having a dead online. I love so many RTS games but it sucks when you can't get a game started without a 10-15 min queue.
Boy now I really regret not getting CoH the last time it was on sale on steam for a couple bucks. I really missed out. I think I have WC3 around here somewhere though, I might have to dust that off and see how it goes.
I used to be HOOKED on starcraft 1 several years ago before 2 was released. Haven't fallen in love with 2 the same way and am trying to find something to get my RTS fix after dabbling with LoL and HoN for the past couple years. Are there any RTS that people still play regularly online that are worth getting into besides starcraft 2? I tried a bit of retribution and supreme commander 2 and found the online scene for both of those rather dead. What do people suggest?
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