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RomanticFool Blog

Half a year of play, and what do you get?

So you ever wonder what's the lifespan of those Rockband 2 instruments under a ton of playtime and pressure? I can answer that. You see, I bought the set the day it was released took it home, and my suitemates started playing right away. Why does this make me special? Because my suitemates were nuts, and so were their friends (in a mostly positive way!). My room, also having a bar in it, made for a very interesting gathering spot; I've seen sober and drunk people playing together, among other things, waving drumsticks around, dropping guitars and microphones, basically everything that would ever be defined as "rough-use" or "well-used". I'm pleased to report that the guitars and microphone are just fine. There is nothing wrong with any of them (I've got 1 standard, 1 wood burst guitars). But oh, the poor drumset. Now I must say, it held up pretty well for the sheer abuse it received, but I most protest at the fact that it's simply starting to fall apart. This doesn't distress me, but more my friends whom I've made into addicts. The pads are very much lifted, the pedal's spring broke through the bottom holder, and from about 20 feet away you can tell that something is very, very wrong. So all-in-all? I'm a little upset that they fell apart, but I can't really blame them. We beat the sh!t out of it.

Rock Band 2

So I bought RB2 when it came out last sunday. I haven't played it much yet - mainly its my roommates jamming away - but so far what I have done has been impressive. The game feels more polished than it was last time, at least as far as the vocals are concerned. I see more of the tremelos that the actual tracks have, and they more accurately represent the slides that a lot of the vocalist actually do. In buying RB2, I may have just sabotage another team (my suitemate has been playing for 7 to 10 hours daily, when he shoudl be working on the senior design project of a rival team. not a bad way to sabotage someone, now that I think about it). What I'm really worried about now is that I won't have enough screen time for Fallout 3!

Cold Feet

Rock Band 2.

I'm supposed to go splitsies with my suitemates for my PS3, with me buying them out of their share at the end of the school year.

I'm not sure I want to go through with that. I don't really know how much enjoyment I'll get out of that game, especially when considering how many other games I could buy with that money.

Not to mention the money I could make by investing it - oh wait, nevermind, I forgot we were headed towards another depression. Video games it is.

But still... leaves me wondering...

The Fool

This game season is insane

I still have no idea how I'm going to afford all these new games coming out. There are so many that I want and want to play. Maybe I can trade games with the guys two doors down so we don't have to spend so much money?

My wishlist is very accurate. All of those games I'm very interested in playing. I know that at least 20 of them I want to own. This presents the obvious problem of green. not to mention TIME.

I've been doing some research for RB2, and I'm not entirely convinced that its going to beat out GH this time around. That being said, my roomies want to go in on RB2, so thats what we're doing. That being said, we have none of the instruments, which is leaving me somewhat concerned as to how we can get them without having to whore ourselves out...

Stock investments have had a major upturn, but I don't want to take any of that money out. It needs to stay in there, making more money, etc.

Hrm... oh well. Tabletop tonight, I'll discuss over dinner.

Late Nights

Why am I still up? I should be doing work - that's the bigger issue. Why am I still up if I'm not being productive? Perhaps I'm too excited about all these things I need to do? Absolutely not.

I guess I'll figure it out eventually, but until then, I keep on tr... I don't have a truck.

[GTA4] I'll steal a truck

[MGS4] I'll masquerade as a rebel soldier and hitchhike in a truck

[BF:BC] I'll just get in this Russian vehicle... or Truckasaurus rex

[SC4] Does Astaroth's back count?

[Overlord:Raising Hell] I make a truck out of minions and sheepies.

[Resistance] Do tanks count?

And so I keep on rolling. Computing. Chugging? Heh, Not quite yet.


Hurricane Ike

So for all of you who are wondering about what a Hurricane does to an area, let me tell you.

Wanton destruction.

Power goes out, internet doesn't work, but that seems small compared to the inability to take showers or drink water. Most stores are closed and nothing happens. And the boredom is mindboggling. But the economic implications are far more scary. People are out of work for weeks, their homes are in ruins, and no one can get around the city. Gas lines literally form for miles. Combined with the current economic uncertainty, the entire world might as well be ending...

So I bought 2 more games. :D