hey for all those who care to read this!
I have a couple reviews for games that ive played over the years. I will try and keep my profile updated as best i can.
My gaming setup, I currenty have a 42" LCD flat panel TV with 1080p...Using 5.1 surround sound thru my Pioneer Receiver ive built a custom setup with JBL speakers and a monstrous 450watt Velodyne DPS-12 sub that simply rocks your face off!
Consoles connected are my 360 250GB Slim(MY 5th XBOX!), PS3 40GB(mostly for blu-ray), and a white Wii.
I bought mywife a Wii which is OK.The game lineup is not nearly as enjoyable as microsofts lineup and it collects alot of dust.
I also own the PSP and DSLite for when im not home and need to kill time. These daysthey mostly collects dust lol. In my closet i have a vintage SNES which i've owned since grade 6 and a Gameboy clear version with numerous games for both. I grew up mostly playing SNES, NES, and old school computer games like Duke Nukem 3D, DOOM, and so many side scrollers I cant count.
Please check out my reviews I hope you enjoy them!