5 Days to go before Christmas arrives, Just wanted to wish everyone at Game spot a Merry Christmas and a happy new year, hope you all get what you have been hoping for. I am just hoping for a quiet affair but there again that said and done I have 3 children so I doubt I am going to get that much of a quiet christmas lol ..... I will most prob end up teaching my 6 year old how to play the Nintendo DS that she has for christmas and get another female gamer into the world!
Whilst I am here writing just noticed that my level has gone back up again, I logged on the other night to level 14 86.86% complete, I logged off thinking nothing of it. Couple of hours later I logged back on to find I was back at level 1 with 0% complete, still paid no attention to it. Logged on the next morning and I was at level 6 with 0%, so I decided to go to the main forums and ask what was going on. I was then directed to another board and more or less half of game spot complaining that the level glitch has re-appeared and not to worry about it as it would soon all be sorted out. Well looks like it has been sorted as now I am back to my rightful level.
On a slightly different note again, I have been playing God Of War 1 this past couple of weeks and I am happy to say that I have beaten the game on Spartan mode (hard) I am slowly working my way through challenge f the gods. I joined an God of War union and the help I have had there has been awesome the user GMG is someone to be admired for his knowledge on the game and having the patients with people like me who have none to help them. After I have done this I don't know what I will do either I will play God of War again on God mode which is the hardest level or go back to God Of War 2 and play on titan mode and also complete the challenge of the Titans.
After I have finished doing those games to their complete length I dont know what I will play, maybe I will play some Lara croft or I might just go back and play the prince of persia they seem to be on the same lines as God of War. Thats if my daughter doesnt steal my PS2 since I bought her Bratz the movie for it! And I have come to the decision of I am going to get the PS3 rather than the Xbox 360, I am a Sony fan at heart and I don't think i would be satisfied with the Xbox but thanks for all the feed back and I have noticed that Oblivion has come out for the PS3 so that is one title I will definitely be getting.