Ok something new for me to do here as I have never done anything like this before so I thought it would be a nice change seeing as this is what some other users seem to do, So feel free to pick it apart and tell me what you think of them but the games I have chosen to play this year are mainly Horror or Japanese and maybe some of an Anime nature and there is also some sport in there as well.
- Blood omen 2
- Bloodrayne
- Bloodrayne 2
- Castlevania
- Castlevania curse of darkness
- Forbidden siren
- Forbidden siren 2
- Gauntlet seven sorrows
- Ghost Rider
- God Hand
- Haunting ground
- Kuon
- Obscure
- Project zero 2 crimson butterfly
- Project zero 3 the tormented
- Realm of the dead
- Red Ninja
- Shadow of Rome
- Shin megami Tensi Lucifers call
- Shinobi
- Silent hill 3
- Spartan total warrior
- Sphinx and the cursed mummy
- The suffering 2 Ties that bind
- History channel battles of rome
- Athens 2004
- perfect ace 2
- Smash court tennis 2
- Top spin
Guess im going to be a busy girl this year with 30 games I want to play lol As previously said feel free to pick them apart if you want or say that you didnt think much of them and so on I dont mind im open minded to anything no matter what anyone else says as I am a firm believer of each to their own and what you may not like I might just like it and vice versa!