I havent been around on gamespot much recently, I guess I kinda lost my passion for playing games for a little while. That was until I came accross Kratos and God of War 2. I played that one and fell in love with the instantly. So I found an excellent walk through guide and played that none stop in my spare time when the children were in bed, I have managed to complete easy and spartan modes on the game now im considering going for the God and Titan modes of the game. But then I bought a new game and couldnt wait to check it out. Yes it was the original God oF War that came out.
I've only just started playing the 1st god of war so I cant really say if I like it better than the second one yet, but I cant wait to get further into the game. I dont know about others out there in the gaming community agree with me or not but for me this game also has a little bit of an educational curve, I have always liked Greek mythology, just with having 3 children my home life can be a little bit busy from time to time so I never really had the chance to look it up or learn anything about it. So this game is giving me in insight into all the gods and their position in Olympus. When I get my own computer up and running again and im not using my moms lap top i will be writting a review of both games.
Nothing much new is going on with me at the moment apart from getting back into my gaming and trying to take my children to school everyday but that is proving to be a task in itself with them bringing home bugs that make them sick all the time lol .... So now i am waiting for them to get better so I can take them back to school