From the title of this post you most probably dont know what I'm talking about to I will let you all know here. I have been with my partner for nearly 7 years in January and we got engaged when I fell pregnant with my 1st child. Well another 2 children followed that one, so all the parents out there know that it can be a struggle with one working parent and the other at home looking after house and family so we havent had the money to do the final stage which is get married.
So with my computer going down about a week or so ago now, we came into a bit of money and decided to manage with sharing my mothers laptop, and use some of that money to tie the knot. We have the date and we are doing the deed on Friday the 19th of October at 2:30pm UK time...... So to all of you out there who know me and those of you who dont know me Wish me luck!!!!!!!!!!!!