I just spent far too long on my new banner for this page. I think the images therein are a representation of my experiences as a gamer. Whatever that means.
I was pleased to hear about Bio Shock. The 'spiritual successor' to System Shock 2. Having just rediscovered System Shock 2 recently I'm very excited about a sequel.
Since my PC has always been subpar, I have ample opportunity to play catch up, so to speak. I can't play the new wave of PC games... But I can play the games that I missed out on, ,when I wasn't able to play the new wave games of the past.
It's quite sad actually, but at the same time it gives me a greater appreciation as to how good these games really were.
System Shock 2 has scared the crap out of me on more than one occasion. I can also see why the insane Artificial Intelligence of SHODAN, is considered by many as one of the best game villains ever.
The game has also made me look my nose down at Doom 3. Id's new game is a technological marvel, and a sight to behold. But much of the gameplay and atmosphere seems to have been ripped out of System Shock 2. For shame Carmack!
I highly recommend checking this game out if you never have.
Good game. God damn psychic monkeys!
- Will
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