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The Brutal Side of 8-Bit Gaming

Critics of the game industry are always quick to point out the growing trend of violence in video games. Yes, video games are violent... but perhaps the more pertinent problem is how do you prevent dumb ass parents from buying Mature rated games for their children? The answer I leave for my next post, for now I'd just like to illustrate something.

Video game violence is not a new phenomenon.

From the very beginning games have been filled with terrible violence. Pac-Man consuming ghosts as they fled in terror. Mario being taken out by a flaming barrel in Donkey Kong. The peaceful aliens of Space Invaders being cut down before being able to deliver their message of good will. It just didn't seem violent to people at the time because games weren't detailed enough to portray the violence in anything but a hilarious, cartoon-ish fashion. But if you really think about it... These games were sadistic!

Recently I went back and played some old school NES games. The Mario series, Contra, Zelda, Bionic Commando, Cobra Triangle and the like. What struck me about these games was the amount of violence in them.

Of course the violence is more implied that actually graphic in nature, but it's still quite horrific if you stop and consider what is going on..

Take The Legend of Zelda. When at full-health our hero Link can shoot his sword. Wonderful! Link shooting swords at monsters causing them to explode in a shower of coins and hearts. SHOOTING SWORDS AT LIVING THINGS!
That would not be a pretty sight, and I dare say that game would have been rated M for Mature if it were in 3D.

Take another example, with Mario 1 or 3. Mario literally stomping to death the hapless creatures that King Koopa/Bowser send against him. So what if they hurt you if you touch them, lay off Mario! For all you know those poor bastards were just minding their own business out for a stroll in the beautiful mushroom kingdom, when you; a plumber from Brooklyn, took it upon yourself to brutally crush them to death. I give you this artists rendering.

Oh it's all charming and hilarious in 8 bits... but when get down to the reality of the situation it ain't so pretty!

Another example would be Contra. All the mindless killing never really hits home. But these good gentlemen, commandos if you will, cut down wave after wave of poor bastard who cross their path. Maybe they weren't coming to kill you, maybe they were just out for an evening jog in the jungle. Think before you shoot guys. The body count in Contra put John Rambo to shame, and yet I played it when I was 7 years old. 8-bits be damned... it was horrifically violent!

Yes video game violence has always existed, from the very first ball-on-paddle assault of Pong, to beating people to death with baseball bats in Grand Theft Auto, it's here to stay.

- Will