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Video game skills may give edge in life

By Daniel Rubin
May 7, 2004

It was six in the morning when Karen Kosoy discovered her kindergarten-aged son still glued to the Nintendo game - he'd stayed up all night trying to rescue a legendary princess named Zelda.

"My God, he's addicted," she remembers thinking.

Jamie Kosoy has his own memory: His mother pulled the plug and threw the video game player in the garbage.

"The most traumatic moment of my life," he said.

By late primary school, while friends were playing street hockey outside, Kosoy was rushing indoors to chart their stats on his computer. By high school, he'd bought a brand new car from ads he sold on a fantasy wrestling league he administered online.

Now, as Kosoy, 22, finishes his final year in multimedia design at the University of the Arts in Philadelphia, his mother says all that screen time may not have been for naught.

"It turns out," she says, "he was teaching himself."

For him and others in his generation it can be said: Everything they know, they learned from video games.

And that might not be so bad.

While much parental sleep has been lost over whether video games are a colossal waste, a growing body of work looks at games as serious, educative, even key to success in an information age.

Researchers are finding players can make sharper soldiers, drivers and surgeons. Their reaction time is better, their peripheral vision more acute. They are taking risks, finding themselves at ease in a demanding environment that requires paying attention on several levels at once.

While there are countless examples of children vegetating in front of the box, real learning is going on as well. Children who go online to play the World War II shooter fantasy Medal of Honour: Allied Assault might last all of 14 seconds if they just hit the Normandy beaches with guns blazing. To succeed, they must come up with a plan - either by typing messages or talking through headphones to teammates whom they may never have met.

"It's becoming good at communicating with others in teams and being non-resistant to technology," said James Paul Gee, an education professor at the University of Wisconsin and author of last year's book What Video Games Have to Teach Us About Learning and Literacy. "That is what the army wants. That is what the modern workplace wants. Those are pretty modern skills."

Says Henry Jenkins, director of the comparative media studies program at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology: "In a hunting society, kids learned bows and arrows. In an information society, playing games with resource management - where you need to process massive amounts of information to determine which is important and which you let slide - might be the right kind of play."

In the 30 years since electronic games have conquered computers and television consoles, they've become a $US28 billion ($A38.16 billion) worldwide business. Advertisers pay small fortunes to place their brands in games such as The Sims and Grand Theft Auto, and a song placed in a video game can mean more exposure than a song in a hit movie.

Americans will spend more time gaming this year - 75 hours on average - than watching rented movies, according to Fortune magazine.

And so, with competition fierce for compelling new software, more than 80 colleges have begun offering programs in game design. The study of ludology, or video game theory - from the Latin word ludus, for game - has been taken up at places such as MIT, the University of Chicago, and Princeton, which in February held the Ivy League's first symposium on gaming, where literary and film criticism techniques were trained on Lara Croft: Tomb Raider and Super Mario Brothers.

The players have grown up as well. Nearly two-thirds of console gamers - those who play on a machine that plugs into a television, as opposed to a computer game - are 18 or older, according to the Entertainment Software Association. A Pew Internet & American Life study last year found that every college student polled had, at one point, played computer games.

Surprisingly, slightly more college women than men reported playing computer and online games; equal numbers said they played video games.

So what are they learning?

Not just how to drive, say University of Rochester researchers, who found that action games improved players' visual abilities.

And hand-eye coordination, say researchers at New York's Beth Israel Medical Centre. They have found that doctors who spent at least three hours a week playing video games made fewer mistakes and performed laparoscopic surgery faster than their nonplaying peers.

Justin Hall, a gaming consultant who began blogging while studying at Swarthmore in 1994, credits games for teaching him morality. Hall - who once gave an address to game developers titled "How has inventory management in computer role-playing games affected the way I pack?" - says Richard Garriot's Ultima IV game helped him grasp that good behaviour sometimes means choosing between competing virtues.

"Honesty and compassion often stood at odds, as did humility and honour," he writes on the Game Girl Advance blog. "By playing his game, I learned a little bit about ethics."

In a Garriot-designed universe, a person might lose the game by seemingly making all the right moves, but failing to give money to a pauper met along the way.

"Did I waste my time? No, I don't think so," says Greg Lastowka, 35, a Philadelphia intellectual property lawyer who spent countless hours gaming as a boy, and who lectured on virtual crimes at the Princeton conference. "The gaming I did involved working through complicated puzzles... .

"In more complicated games of interactive fiction, like Will Crowther's Adventure, you had to understand the way Crowther thought of the space and the narrative in order to progress."

Lastowka said he learned urban planning from playing Sim City, which he called "a sandbox for creativity".

Games encourage players to take risks that are not allowed in schools - particularly in test-driven curriculums, says Jenkins of MIT.

"What games do very well is the 'You die - so what? - you start over' aspect," Jenkins says. "So trial and error is possible in games in a way almost no longer possible in schools."

Researchers such as Gee credit games for giving experiences to the deskbound that they may never have or be able to afford in real life. With the explosion of online, multiplayer games, "it is nothing to see a 15-year-old leading a group with a 25-year-old and 30-year-old. Unlike in school, they are treated not just as peers but as leaders," he says.

"Kids are reading and writing more than ever because of these games," Gee says, giving the example of his nine-year-old son's favourite, Age of Mythology. "They are confronted with these huge amounts of text, both in the game and on the web."

Ask Kosoy what he has learned, and he grows quiet. He sits at a cafe in Philadelphia, chasing a chocolate croissant with hot chocolate. He is still lean and intense; with his scraggly beard and Dutch Boy cap, he resembles the Bruce Springsteen of Asbury Park days.

Early on at art school, the class was asked to create a project based on a movie, book or record. That reminded him of role-playing games such as the Legend of Zelda, where you start off with a sword and end up saving a princess. What happens in between is unscripted.

Quickly at ease, he designed a game based on the Stanley Kubrick film The Shining, where players found themselves trapped in a series of foreign environments with no apparent way out.

"It worked so well, people hated it," he said.

He is interested in pushing boundaries while still designing games that can be played on the web with the most rudimentary equipment. One computer game required his classmates to actually get up and scavenge around the school for clues.

With graduation looming, and projects due, he's down to gaming a few hours a week, though he continues to spend most of his day thinking about them. But now he's sending out three resumes a day, hoping to nail a position as a game designer - a job that pays $US50,000 to start on average. That means that Jamie Kosoy, who has spent his life playing, might not have to grow up after all.