okay remember what i said about #3? okay to all ...2 of you who have read my blog this new missing piece gives the "king of the castle" a run for its money. Not only is it set RIGHT after Michael has his "3 minutes" with Walt but it even includes Michael, which is awesome because we havent seen him since the Season 2 finale! Juliet is also in this which is cool because these are two characters we have never seen together yet. Say what you want about these mobisodes but i think they're awesome. I love anything that has to do with LOST, especially after this long hiatus. so yeah watch this video its pretty good. It's weird to think that Michael knew who Juliet was and what "Henry Gales" real name was before Jack, Kate, Sawyer and the gang (yes i know Paulo saw Juliet before in the pearl station but Michael is someone we have known since the beginning and is now a very shady character). I also like the ending how michael kicks around and is aggrivated. Its good to see some real human emotion on tv haha i love LOST! ;)