Hell Yeah!
by RoryMariano on Comments
Okay I know most of you guys will probably think this would be terrible but personally LUVED it. Tonight there was a Reds' perty at my apartment clubhouse, we still aren't in the house. Anyways my family, ick, went up there. For a while I just sat there watching the game. Then came in Ryan, this hottie that's, unfortunately, a year younger than me, and I didn't even mean to but I switched to flirt mode. For a while Ryan just sat there with Luke and talked to him, inviting Luke to the movies sometime, who knows when. Then came the rest of Ryan's skateboarding friends. He went out and skateboarded for a while with Luke close by looking on with jealousy. A little later we started playing tag. Everyone kept tagging my youngest brother and then we had to pick a new "it" because he's a SLOWPOKE! For a while Ryan, Luke, Trent, Quaiku, and Tiegran rode around on the golfcart. Later we were joined by Kay, Ahey, who are twins, and Swua. They were scared of the skateboards because they had already hit someone. Eventually they started dancing to Pop, Lock and Drop It, without music. Then of course my night ended because my idiot of a mother wanted to gohome even though her boyfriend, me, and my little bros all wanted t stay. After all it was only 9:00 and me and Luke are both old enough to be out later. Ah well awesome night anyways. We're aloud going out tomorrow with them though.