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I'M BACK! Now, what to do...

Alright, I'm back. Whoopie! Feels so good to log on again after how many days... Gosh it's been forever. So, I know the last blog was long and that was only a few hours, so I'm going to try to sum things up as best I can this time. It was mostly disappointment, so I guess that'd be another reason to not go into too much detail. At the bottom I have a question to ask, however I know you guys probably wont be able to answer by the time I need it so I'd just like an assessment of the people of the choice I made. I'm going to make my choice a little after this blog so if there's any feedback I'll let you know what my final decision was. Enough of that, here's how my trip went!

The plane flights were long and headachy. Took three of 'em to get there. Nothing much happened. We got there, met up with me mum and the victim, I did homework, and yeah. Friday, I wore all red as usual. Me mum wanted to visit the glaciers so we did that. The cold felt good, but there was something weird. Every time my skin was at the point where it was totally smoothed over with cold and I started to warm up, my skin turned bright red, and whatever areas were thawing really hurt. Luckily for me my family thought I was turning bright red because I was cold, so I didn't have to hide it. What idiots... That hurt though. I wonder what it was.

We went driving around and got on some sort of viewpoint thing. I saw snow... A small little pile of it. It was like when you stick your hand in the freezer, and there's all that ice. I remember fresh snow was so much softer. It wasn't blotted and brown. It wasn't melting a small river down any hills either. I asked if we could walk up to the top of the hill. (It wasn't that far, and I thought I could see more snow at the top. Fresher snow. Me mum said we might get in trouble and wouldn't let me. I went back down annoyed. Had dinner with the victim, went to bed very unhappy.

Friday night we went to dinner with another victim/survivor family, but the first victim had to be returned to her safe house. Their kid was smart. He stayed away from my brother and I whilst we battled. Our step-dads got along like they'd been friends forever. They were cutting each other's steaks, pickin' off each other's plates and everything. One look at us, and you never would have known we'd only just met. That was cool. I split dessert with the other step-dad 'cause the other guys were "too full" (too wimpy) to stomach a brownie and ice cream with us.

Woke up real early to take a three hour trip to Seward. Some hot chocolate, visited an awesome aquarium. Note to self: After buying house, dig a hole, make a pond, and keep a koi fish farm. ;) The boat ride thing wasn't running 'cause it was so close to winter, so I brought my homework for nothing. Ate calamari for lunch and picked up a matchbook from, the bowl next to the candy and toothpicks. Wait... Candy mints, toothpicks, and matchbooks? Honestly, I've never seen those three lined up in a restaurant before. It didn't occur to me at the time I couldn't take the matches on the plane.

We'd been told about a glacier we could go up to and touch. I was so ecstatic about that. The disappointment at that small blot of snow the day before made me very sour. If I could go up and walk on a glacier, that meant I could touch snow. The sign said there might be bears and moose on the trail, but I didn't care. I bounded right up, and when I got to the top... It was roped off. Due to possible "falling ice." ..... That was it. No internet, no TV, no snow, I couldn't even walk around outside without having three layers and a jacket on?! I stormed back down the trail and went into an angry sleep back in the car.

Of course, what's cold without ice cream? I had persuaded them it was tradition with back up from statistics. Did you know Alaska has the highest ice cream consumption rate in the nation? In the middle of our trip back they found the sort I was looking for. I pretended I was over the glacier thing. Gosh, I'm still angry. Mum made dinner. At least Sunday was a bit better after I spent half of it doing homework...

The victim/survivor's house. We left the condo we were staying and went over there with the first victim for the second one's husband's birthday. I found out I had a lot more in common with the kid than I first thought, including a Neopets account. :P Communications are good to go. The food was delicious. Cow, deer, and chocolate cake, along with an epic game of pictionary. I think I laughed a bit too much, but it was all fun. We left, it was long, I'm back, my homework still isn't finished... Now for my predicament.

My step-dad gave me trip money, but I never use trip money so I still have it. Combined with what I've been saving, it's enough for a DSi. So, I could walk 3 miles round trip to the store and get it now which wouldn't take all that long, or I could wait and make sure I've bought my Halloween costume and everyone's Christmas presents, then start saving up again for the DSi... It's a tough choice because I don't know if I'll be going into work before Christmas, plus Christmas shopping takes time, and I don't want to have to do it last minute. :? So, should I get the DSi now, or wait 'til January/February when all that Christmas jingle has settled down? I'll make my decision right after I have something to eat. I'm kinda hungry...