RossMathis' forum posts
I simply love the knife and everything else about the BETA. But I just do not understand why anyone would place something like the KILLCAM in the game. It just takes away the challenge. The challenge for the other person anyway. It makes it more challenging for the killer, because they have to keep moving.
I also think it would be interesting if they incorporated more vechiles that you can acutally man. I undertand that this is a BETA, but I just wanted to put this out there. And while I do that let me also state that bigger maps would be great too.
[QUOTE="lokiisback"]One is better than the other :) ... Both are not as good as my stereo can handle though, so that is kind of dissapointing... My stereo is 7.1 THX certified, and the XBox 360 can only do 5.1 Dolby with WMA at best.........RossMathis must be one hell of a little spoiled pig whistle. Your room even has a fridge. What a piggy.
BTW, if we're going to brag. Your TV blows right about now. And your old 1999 THX reciever is otudated compared to most products these days. Your prolly only pushin like 600w, which is chump change to my 1000w of pure power. I also have an LCD, not some pitiful rear projection. You can't even play from the side. You gotta sit in your oversized love-seat to play that thing. And your computer is cluttered and not worth that much money. GET A LIFE! nah just kidding. you cool!
One is better than the other :) ... Both are not as good as my stereo can handle though, so that is kind of dissapointing... My stereo is 7.1 THX certified, and the XBox 360 can only do 5.1 Dolby with WMA at best.........lokiisback must be one hell of a little spoiled pig whistle. Your room even has a fridge. What a piggy.
Stop asking mee!! I got asked about 1000 times this week! My 360 broke during GH 2 and I called M$ they asked me if I pre-orderd it. I got asked at Futureshop,walmart,toys r us and EB games. Not to mention all the banners all over the store. Take your free T-Shirt and shove it up your master chief!Lawnboi
Wow....I have just one question for you. ARE YOU GETTING HALO 3?
What deals are going on for Halo 3 PreOrders? I know Target gives you two figurines, Circuit City gives you a 4' wall graphic, and Best Buy gives you a $10 gift card if you preorder the game and buy a $29.99 accessory. GameStop now gives you 30% more for your trade in if it goes towards Hlo 3.
Are there any other dealsfloating around. Where did you preorder your from.
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